Fourteen: Must not think about.

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     It was Caspian who gave me an apple as I needed my energy once we arrived at that Island.

     Then, I still found myself eating the same apple when we arrived at the ship, while heading towards the Island.

     I was just standing as the deck, still eating on my apple, paying attention towards the Island were supposed to be at.

     "Archers, prepare yourselves!" I heard Lord Drinian shouted.

     There was still I am, not moving any muscles except my hand and my mouth.

     "Light the lanterns!"

     "Let's get ready." Caspian said when he faced me, I just nodded and walked towards the quarters we used to stay at.

     I was tying my hair into a tight ponytail to ready myself from the worst.

     Lucy was still not on the quarters, it's just me and Gael.

     I felt Gael's gaze towards me which made me looked at her.

     "You should wear your hair like that everyday, it suits you more." Gael said.

     I just smiled at her before fixing the hair that kept on falling. Seconds later, Lucy finally joined us and fixed herself in front of the mirror.

     "When I grow up, I want to be just like you." Lucy stopped herself and quickly turned around to see Gael.

     "When you grow up, you should be just like you." Lucy said, before hugging Gael.

     I just smiled at them like a proud mother before fixing my shoes.

     "That's a speech, Lu." I teased. Making her look at me and left a cackle.

     "Come on, I'll help you." I said before walking towards her and helping her suit an armour.

     When I did hers, she looked at me and stood up behind me.

     "You're not wearing one?" Lucy asked.

     "I don't come near to any hazards, plus, it'll just make more weight." I stated before sitting on the bed.

     When I finally finished, I went outside to see that we're getting more closer.

     "Why aren't you wearing an body armour?" Caspian asked when he saw me.

     "Because If I fall again to the water and have that on, I'll literally loose my life struggling to swim." I stated, jokingly.

     "Tori." He said.

     I send my gaze towards him before fixing my posture to make myself more presentable.

     "You make me want to live. Not survive. Not exist. Live." He said before he positioned himself to lean in so he could kiss my forehead.

     I felt frozen, and was literally speechless on what he just said. Totally - not flustered.

     My eyes just followed him until he reach the stern of our ship.

     "No matter what happens here, every soul who stands before me has earned their place on the crew of the Dawn Treader." Caspian said,

     "Together we have traveled far, together we have faced adversity. Together we can do it again."

     "So now, is not the time to fall to fear's temptations. Be strong. Never give in. Our world, our Narnian lives, depend on it."

     "Think of the lost souls we're here to save, think of Aslan. Think of Narnia."

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