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Hello! You've reach the very end of this book, I would like to personally thank everyone that have supported my Caspian series.

I am so grateful to share my skills with you all, and will always be for supporting my works and the future ones. 

Honestly, since Prince Caspian - Ben always caught my attention; besides Skandar of course. I always have a huge crush on him (besides Skandar again, obviously.

dited: the Skandar before all the things he did and said..

Thank you for the one's who kept on voting, it made my day and kept on inspiring me to update. Without you - i'll be wasting this excellent talent that everyone of us have.

And, maybe a sequel book for this series? Lmk ;)

If you guys have any entries on fanarts, I would gladly accept them. You can communicate with me thru Wattpad direct message. 

Since, this books has come to closing it's doors, another one's going to open. 

It is a James Potter - a marauders era book, it will be more thrilling as I decided to take a step above with my writing skills and share them with you. I am so excited to publish and share a new side of my writing in here. 

We have come to an end, please wait for the upcoming books and new characters to love or to hate...?

Started: January 12, 2022

Ended:  March 20, 2022

This has been your author signing out,


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