Nine: Green Mist

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     I was suddenly awoken in my reality thoughts when the I suddenly felt that the ship was greeted by big waves.

     Due to shock, I quickly travelled my eyes around the quarters where Caspian instructed us to stay.

     We've been in the same waves for almost fifteen days and still having the hope for the storm to go away and to finally see some land to stay at.

     In habit, I placed my elbow towards the table that's just beside me and slightly bit my index finger.

     "So, we're stuck here," Drinian said, "at half rations, with food for two more weeks, maximum." 

     I just looked at Drinian in fatigue, clearly drained from the waves that constantly trying greeting the ship.

     "This is the last chance to turn your back, Your Majesties."

     My gaze suddenly turned into panic as I did not see Gael nor Lucy in the quarters, I sat up straightly and calmly travelled my eyes in the quarters. 

     Then, I saw them both. Cuddling each other at the corner as Lucy tried to keep Gael calm.

     "We have made it this far, we couldn't go back." I said.

     Drinian, Caspian and Edmund send their gaze on me, and didn't said something. Waiting for me to continue.

     "We must reduce what we eat every rest hour, it is for us to save some foods that can be needed in case of an emergency," I stated, "or, I would not eat my meal at all and distribute them to the crew."

     Caspian's gaze was the only one I felt that stayed staring at me, when I send my gaze into him, we both locked each others eyes.

     "There is no guarantee that we will spot the blue star anytime soon." Drinian continued, "Not in this storm."

     "Needle in the haystack, trying to find this Ramandu place," he said, "we could sail right past it and off the edge of the world."

     "Or be eaten by sea serpents." Edmund said, clearly not reading the atmosphere.

     I just send a look towards Edmund as a warning to read the room next time.

     "I am just saying that the men are getting nervous." Drinian continued, "these are strange seas we're sailing the likes of which I have never seen before."

     "Then perhaps, Captain, you would like to be the one who explain to Mr. Rhince that we are abandoning the search for his family." Caspian finally stepped up and walked towards Lord Drinian.

     Lord Drinian just send his look towards Edmund and I, before looking back at Caspian who's now in front of him.

     "I will get back at it." He said, "Just a word of warning, the sea can play nasty tricks on the crew's mind." Lord Drinian said, before taking his leave.

     I just stayed in place and did not move, I took everyone's word seriously. That is why it made me think over their words that come out to there minds.


     "Yes, Caspian?" 

     "You must escort Lucy and Gael to your quarters, it has been very cold and them might need to warmth of that quarters." Caspian said.

     He sat beside me and took my hand as a comfort, I looked at him at first before looking back into our hands.

     "Go now, your hands are cold."

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