Five: Memories Comes Flooding Back

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     "No! Helaine!" 

     I just watched a man and being separated from a lady, who I assume must be the wife. I just watched them and looked at the ground that has a lot of sand in it. 

     I was shivering from the cold, yes, it is hot. But, lots of my skin's really exposed, which made it me feel cold in the middle of hotness.


     A child voice was heard, I quickly tried to find to owner of it, to see that it's a little girl running after her mother. I just looked at them blankly before inhaling deeply and will be bothered again by man.

     "Lucy? Lucy? Are you still there?" I asked in the worried tone I don't usually use.

     "Yes, yes Tori." Lucy replied, "Eustace is here as well, you know!" 

     Instead I felt annoyed, I felt thankful hearing the two's voice. Another thing that left my mind when I heard them.

     "Don't worry! I'll find you!" The man said before his wife was fully taken.

     I just leaned my head towards the slanted wall behind me to not focus on what I am hearing as it's already enough to bother me. But, it eventually failed me.

     I looked at where they're taking the woman, it's not so much to see, but enough for me to look.

     A green mist, and the cloud darkened as soon as they sat on the boat and was moving on it's own, I kept watching on what I'll found out.

     My eyes went fully opened wide and it made me sit straight when I saw them being taken with the mist, there's nothing left. Not even a paddle, or a wood that was taken of the boat.

     "Your times up, you pretty royalty." The man in the gold said, making his way towards me and making my stand up. 

     I was thankful enough that the linen that's covering my chest didn't fall into the ground.

     "Make your bids!"

     "I say 60 for the beautiful girl!"


     "100 for her!"






     I just looked at their faces, really trying to remember the ones who bid, as I'll take there face off themselves myself. I just took a glace on my side where Lucy and Eustace are supposed to be. 

     Both of them were looking straightly at me, I just send them a nod lightly before looking back at the man who's trying to win me by a bid.

     "Any more bids?!" The man in the gold gown said.


     They go and went to put a cardboard on my neck and put the word sold, then harshly guide me into the side where I'll watch the others bid.

     As soon as I saw Eustace being next, I just deeply inhaled. Knowing that there's no big chance that Lucy might be bid as well, as soon as Caspian made their way in.

     "And now, for this fine specimen who will kick off the bidding?" 

     "Come on, now. He might not look like much but he's strong." The man in a gold gown said, making Eustace ego go up by the sudden compliment.

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