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12 years later...

     It almost have been twelve years, but for me; it's like a week of spending moments with Caspian and our lovely children's. 

     I was just sitting at the ground where grass naturally grows from, observing Caspian and my two son's playing with their father.

     Meanwhile with me, I was sitting on the grass with my daughter; who didn't like any physical activity but like the silent atmosphere. I would really compare my daughter on my father, who happens to like quiet environments and clean atmosphere.

     In those twelve years, many things happen. We had three beautiful children that we love and will love more. 

     When I felt that my daughter - Aravis suddenly moved so hyper I looked at her and played with her small arms. 

     But, when I felt that it wasn't enough - Caspian must have saw and quickly walked towards us with my two sons; Rillian and Emeth.

     My husband quickly lifted Aravis into his shoulder to calm her down, I must say - a daddy's girl she is.

     Rillian and Emeth quickly threw a hug; one from the back, and one in front. I just yelp in shock and quickly accepted their cute little hugs.

     I just smiled in happiness, when I knew that I fulfilled my parents wishes. To have wonderful kids and a faithful husband. I mean, who would wish for more?

     Cassandra and her lover - Ames also had a daughter and was now married - of course after the hardship Caspian gave him; he gave his blessing with an whole heart.

     While with Alexander, since he's a king's guard - he cannot marry and have any children; but with Caspian on the leadership, he pardoned Alexander. 

     We were going down the corridors, I'm holding Emeth in my arms; while Rillian did not wanted to be carried - so he just took my hands and leaded our walked. 

     When we finally reached Rillian's door, he quickly assisted us and let us enter into his room.

     His room that once belonged to Edmund, a smile quickly formed into my lips, remembering the days when they are still here. 

     Caspian and I quickly told him a bedtime story before tucking him into bed once we felt that he closed his eyes, tiredly.

     Then, I just felt an heavy body on my arms - meaning that Emeth must have slept while we were telling stories to his older brother.

     Caspian looked at me, willingly waiting for me to carry Emeth as I don't want any of them carrying while sleeping. As I was tend to always have accidents while carrying a sleeping baby.

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