Twelve: Can't look like that.

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     "Everybody, wake up!" Lucy shouted.

     I quickly opened my eyes forcedly and looked at where was Lucy pointing.

    We immediately packed things and rode the boats to quickly get in the ship to follow the blue star.

    I really couldn't move a lot since my body was hurting and I couldn't find a comfortable way to sleep.

     Once we reached to ship, I just stood up at the deck and went up to the railing and looked at the star.

     Eustace was just at the side of the ship, flying and staying in pace for us.

     There, I saw the mermaid again, flipping. I just smiled and wave at it before looking at it.

     The mermaid wasn't waving at me, she has this worried face. My smile quickly turned into a frown, as I knew that the mermaid was trying to stop us.

     "The wind has left us." Lord Drinian mentioned.

     "So how to we get to Ramandu's Island now then?" Edmund asked.

     "My guess is something doesn't want us to get there."

     I just deeply inhaled before walking across the deck.

     "If I get any hungier, I am going to eat that dragon!" One of the crew said.

     Eustace was just flying above us, I just send him a look and a smile before waving at him.

     "If we don't find land by tonight, they may well eat that dragon." I heard Lord Drinian said.

     Something suddenly hit our ship, made us fall. Which in my case, made me fall into the water.

    All of them quickly looked into the sides of the ship, I don't know if they're looking at me sides if we hit, or looking at me.

     "Eustace, that's brilliant!" Edmund complimented. Then looked again towards the sea.

     "Eustace! Eustace! Stop! Tori had fallen off!" Hears Edmund said.

     I was trying so hard to be noticed and trying hard to flapped around to not sink, they were already ahead of me, I have to choice but to stay flapping.

     The ship suddenly stopped and saw some crew jumping at the ship, to look for me. I was about to raise my hand and shout when a hand suddenly pulled my feet.

    I shouted but I couldn't since I'm underneath the water, there I saw the mermaid that I met earlier.

    I just looked at her, trying to hold my breath. She was signalling me something I don't even get.

     When I felt that I was about to lose an air, someone quickly pulled me from the water. Giving me an air again.

     I panicked, and quickly tried to stomped my feet and breath heavily.

    "It's okay, you're okay." said someone, who I knew was Caspian.

     I looked at the person who's holding me and it's Caspian, he swam towards the elevating wood to let us in the ship.

     I felt Eustace stare, I just looked at him and smile, assurance that it's not his fault that I fell.

     "Tori, are you alright?" Lucy said, walking towards me with a blanket to wrapped around.

     "You almost drowned there, why didn't you swim?!" Caspian panically said.

     "I.. I can't.. I tried, but body just hurt." I stated.

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