Eleven: Faith, just faith.

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     "What food did you find?" Caspian asked.

     Rhince, the father of Gael quickly ran infront of the baskets.

     "It's volcanic, Your Majesty." Rhince said, "Not much grows."

     I just looked at the scenery of the Island, looking for a peace thing to look at.

     "Where's Eustace?" Lucy questioned.

     I looked back at Lucy, and it hit me. We've lost Eustace, again.

     "I believe he's out, not helping us load the boats." Reepicheep said.

     "Eustace!" I shouted.

     "Eustace!" Lucy shouted as well.

     "Edmund, I have a bad feeling." Lucy turned around towards Edmund.

     "I will go find him." Edmund said.

     I also decided to find him since I got nothing to do, the crew's already loading the boats and doesn't need my help.

     "I will come with you." Caspian said.

     "Tori, better to stay with Lucy." Caspian shouted, getting my attention.

     I looked back and stopped myself from walking, I didn't move at all. Which made Caspian walk towards me and bring himself with me.

     He leaned in and kissed my forehead for assurance. Caspian just smiled at me before grabbing my hand and walked towards Lucy.

     "Stay here, with Lucy."

     Caspian lend out to sword towards Lucy and quickly followed Edmund's path. 

     I just nodded in return and watch their figure until I saw nothing.

     "I need four men to search Eustace." I said, facing the crew's that we're loading the boats.

     There was six person who faced me and stood up straighly.

     "Four?" I said.

     The crew counted themselves and just nodded in agreement to help.

     "We're ready to help, Your Majesty."

     I quickly commanded them to search the left side of the Island and not to get that far from us.

     I just stood up in nervousness, and were just hesitating to follow to six crew's that I just commanded.

     Looked into Lucy's direction who now took the others work to load the boats.

     Lucy must have noticed and just nodded on return, clearly saying that I needed to follow them.

     I quickly ran and followed their foot steps that they left in the sand.

     It all ended up in an alley of gold treasure, all of six of them were jusy directly looking at it.

     "Trouble.. trouble.. trouble!" I said once I saw them standing on the cliff.

     "Hey! Hey!" I shouted, trying to get their attention.

     Once they turned their head towards me, I quickly calmed myself and ordered them to go back.

     I walked towards this long alley of full treasure, to end up seeing Caspian and Edmund talking.

     Edmund was on the ground, has clothes in his hands. The both of them must have heard me and quickly turned towards me.

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