Seventeen: Special.

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     "Very well, now that you're here." I stated after I took a step in towards our dining room.

     I smiled and waited for a shook response by the two wonderful kids that I met when we came back here to help Narnians and Caspian to get back on his thrown.

     Then, a loud squeal was suddenly heard.

     "You're back, I miss you!" A voice greeted. It was Cassandra.

     She welcomed me by the warmest hug I'll ever receive from her, the one and only warm hugger.

     Then, I hand was felt in my hand, that was hugging Cassandra as well.

     It was Alexander.

     "Look at you two, fully grown up!" I said, once I noticed that Alexander were now taller than me.

     "I thought I'll never see you again.." Alexander said, I just looked at him and pulled him into a hug.

     "Guess you'll have to put everything in Aslan now, huh?" I said, before letting Cassandra and Alexander pull me into one of the seats.

     Caspian eyes were smiling and only observing before setting as well at the chairs on the table.

     "How did you guys meet, again?" Cassandra excitedly said.

     My eyes immediately turned into Caspian, letting our eyes decided who's going to tell the story.

     "Well, in our world; this kind of painting that has ocean and a ship in it. Lucy found it strange as she saw the water moved."

     As I continued to tell the story on how we got in here, I kept on seeing Cassandra's eyes glowing in excitement and has a lot of emotions as I go on.

     "And, there - "

     "She met the love of her life." Caspian cut me off and decided to continue to story on his own.

     I just looked at him with complete utter of betrayal completely showing on my face, he just giggled on my reaction, before leaning in and kissed my forehead.

     I just smiled in return and let him finish off the story and he knew that he needs to tell.

     "You're mother's a star?" Alexander said, really shook by what Caspian just said.

     "Yes, the one who's always showing and the brightness one. That's her guiding me." I said, before nudging Alexander.

     Caspian turned to me and smiled, before continuing the story since I have finished mine.

     "You and Edmund climbed an serpent?! Oh, I'm so damn jealous." Alexander said, once Caspian really ended the story.

     "Did I mention that I might have connections with water?"

     "Because she kept on falling off!" Caspian continued, and started laughing.

     Making the other two kids laugh as well, I just looked at them laughing and smiled.

     After a lot of catching up, we didn't exactly mind the time - as catching up with any of them makes my day better.

     Plus, I just found out that Alexander was planning to be one of the King's Guard as one to protect the heirs and Caspian.

     And, also found out that Cassandra has a lover - Ames his name; he's a great painter and has a lot of structure done and was now placed at each of the corners of the Kingdom.

Sea, Amour. || Prince CaspianWhere stories live. Discover now