Three: Was There Anything A Cute?

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     "Since you left, the Giants of North  surrendered unconditionally. Then, we defeated the Calormen armies at the Great Dessert." Caspian said, "There's peace across all of Narnia."

     "Peace?" Edmund asked, really curious.

     "In just three years."

     "And have you found yourself a queen in those three years?" Lucy suddenly asked.

     My gaze immediately went to her and look at her curiously, there; she did the hair parting into her ear, which just made me smile.

     "No. Not one to compare.. her," Caspian said, before turning his eyes into me. 

     When I felt the stare, I immediately felt my face burning up again, and just focus my sigh into the map that's just on the table. All I ever did was fake cough before changing the topic, for me not to look any redder than a tomato.

     "Hang on, if there's no war to fight and no one is in trouble,"

     "Why are we here then?" Edmund said, completing my sentence.

     "It's a good questions, I've been asking myself the same thing." Caspian answered, before sending his gaze towards the map.

     I just followed where his eye are and just looked at it blankly.

     "So where are we sailing to?" I said once I felt I needed to use my voice.

     "Before I took back the throne from my uncle, he tried to kill my father's closest friends and most loyal supporters," he said.

     He faced his back towards us and looked at the bulletin behind him, there was seven drawing faces hanging at the bulletin.

     "The Seven Lords of Telmar." Caspian introduces, "They fled to the Lone Islands."

     Caspian used his index finger to point where the Lone Island is at the map before looking back at the drawings. I was just looking at the drawings and trying to familiarized their faces.

     "No one's heard from them since."

     Edmund whose now in front of the bulletin just looked also at the drawings before looking back at Caspian.

     "So, you think something must have happen to them?" Edmund asked.

     "Well, if it has, it is my duty to find out." Caspian answered.

     "well, what's east of the Lone Islands?" Lucy questioned.

     "Uncharted Waters," said Lord Drinian. "Things you can barely imagine, tales of sea serpents and worse."

     Lucy just send her look at me which made me do the curios eyes where I look left and right, which made her look to Edmund. Which Edmund just replied with a smile.

     "Sea Serpents?"

     "Edmund, why be bothered? It's not like you've never seen a minotaur talk." I whispered when I was close enough to him.

     "All right, Captain. That's enough of your tall tales." Caspian said before biting on the apple that he has on his hands.

     "I know what you did there," Edmund teasingly said.

     I just look at him before letting out a small cackle and finding out that Caspian's looking at me.

     "It's a Eustace reference." I said, not letting Caspian go out the topic. 

     He just replied with a smile before pointing his hands for us to get out and have a nice air.

     "Where sky and water meet,"

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