Bonus Chapter : 1

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     ―― What did I say? Bonus Chapters for all of you! It's my birth month, and was supposed to publish this story on January 10th, exact date of my birthday. But, school works are just a lot and I didn't have enough time to write this chapter or to even plan it out. And now, I finally planned out the plot for this bonus chapter, so please enjoy them.

  ――  Some of the scenes are spicy for me, but I wouldn't think that it's that spicy as fifty shades.. Since at this part of the book they're already at age and married to do so. 

― Tip: If you forgot the plotline, you can always go back to Epilogue to read what I have put there, and this is just.. the continuation of the Epilogue

― For those who's confused or couldn't follow, here's the summary: 
        •  This is a Tori's point of view or first person.
        •  Caspian and Tori got married shortly after she stayed at Narnia (Dawn Treader)
        •  In twelve years, both of them had three healthy kids. Rillian, Emeth, and Aravis
        •  Rillian, is a male and their first born child, a crown prince, he is four years old.
        •  Emeth, is a male and their second born child, a prince spare, and he is three years old.
        •  Aravis, is the only female, the third born child, a princess royalty, and she is one years old.
        •  In this chapter, Caspian is already thirty-three, while Tori is thirty.

― Well, there's no stopping you now, go ahead and read this chapter freely! Thank you for spending your time reading my books. Love you!
      Warning : ‣ some of the scenes here are just the sequences on what's about to happen, it's a small build up.
                      ‣ spicy but not that spicy scenes.


     "Come on, Mum!" Rillian said, I turned my back to my boy to show that I'm not interested in doing anything at the moment besides sleeping.

     "Mum~" Rillian sang. I only hummed in and replied.

     Rillian kept on bugging me to the point that I tapped Caspian's side to wake him up, but felt nothing. One of my eyes quickly opened as I was confused as to why he's not beside me, he's always beside me, waiting for me to wake up.

     "Mum," Rillian said, closing his face up to mine.

     I quickly went back to my normal focus, and faced my son who was sitting at the edge of the bed.

     "What is it, my lovely boy?" I said, as I adjusted a strand of hair that was merely blocking his eyesight.

     "Would you want to play lawn with me, mother?" He said in his most adorable eyes as possible.

     I was almost taken by this look, when I quickly remembered something.

     "Isn't this yours and your fathers sport?"

     Rillian eyes widened. It seemed too suspicious to me. Then, I remembered something again.

     "Oh my, has your sister eaten something yet?" I said as I stood up wearing some decent clothes that my ladies-in-waiting must've prepared earlier.

     "Yes, Mum. Dad made sure of that.. Now, can you play lawn with me?" He said, now with his cutest voice, that no mother could resist.

     "Alright, my sweetest boy. I'll ready myself in a bit - "

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