Six: Let's Share The Pain, Together

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     When we arrived at our ship, Caspian instructed his men to relax for the evening. He pointed the way to then quarters and waited at the table for our food.

     He stood up from the chair and immediately left the quarters, he came back with a new piece of clothing and gave it to me. 

     They gave me the person to suit it in front of them as I am too lazy to stand up and walk to Caspian's quarter that's just below this.

     Edmund, Lucy and Caspian were having a great conversation. While I just sat there and think about Gael, the daughters sailor who came with us to find his wife. 

     And not to mention, the bells from the Lone Islands. It brings up big past memories that includes my father and my mother. 

     Specially the memory when my mother had to cry all night when my father left to do his duty.

     "Tori?" Lucy said. 

     I just looked at her and awkwardly smiled. When I felt everyone's eyes looking at me, I just looked at them and gave them a reassuring nod.

     "Are you okay?" asked Edmund.

     "Yeah, yeah. Totally fine. Really great." 

     "No, she's not okay." Lucy stated.

     I felt Caspian's eyes not leaving, I looked into him. Locking our eyes, sending him a message that everything is fine.

     "Really, I am fine. Why don't we just eat well?" I said, breaking the atmosphere that I just broke.

     "This is a great fish, isn't it?" I said, really breaking the awkwardness, but it turns out that I am really awkward.

     "Guys, don't leave me in the air! Eat up." I said, inviting the three of them. 

     My gaze turn into Eustace who's eating by himself and didn't mind how loud Edmund, Lucy and Caspian talk was. 

     After we ate, Caspian gave us his quarters as it's more comfortable that the below deck quarters where his man and Reep sleeps.

     Lucy and I both agreed that we need to choose what side we're comfortable on since it only has one bed to sleep at.

     I just laid down beside Lucy who's peacefully sleeping, while I'm fully awake and can't sleep from the scenario earlier that happened in Lone Islands. 

     I closed my eyes, thinking myself that I needed to sleep. Because who knows what's going to happen tomorrow.

     As I failed to sleep, I  just opened my eyes and didn't move a single muscle when still laying down beside Lucy. 

     I tried to close my eyes again, drifting off and clearing my mind. But it seems that it did not help at all.

     I sat straight up and quickly looked at Lucy's side to see if I didn't wake her up, I stood up and quickly left the quarters to feel the cold and fresh air to clear my mind.

     I didn't mind to wear Caspian thick cloth that he gave to us which were made for us to sleep well. 

     I just walked out of the quarters, in a long length of poet shirt. It is below my knees that's why I'm comfortable walking with it. 

     Since I knew that only that the staff that were awake to keep the ship on route was count of a hand.

     I just stared at the sea, really relaxing from the sound and from the cold air that keeps on hitting my skin.

     I always look at the moon every night when my mum passed away, it's always a reminder that she didn't left me, that her passing away isn't the end. It's a beginning. 

     A beginning of new opportunity and a beginning of independency.

     "Couldn't sleep?" A voice from behind me said, I quickly familiarized it and it was Caspian.

     "Yes," I answered, "the sound of sea and the moonlight really do helps me to relax."

     "It do really helps," he said. "Are you okay, Tori?" 

     "Yes, I guess. Well, I'm fine. Then suddenly I won't feel fine." I jokingly said.

     "Hmm, are you really sure?"

     "Well, yeah, I'm not really sure."

     "I see, I'm listening." Caspian said.

     I just looked at him with my eyebrows almost touching each other really curious.

     "You have that tone when something's bothering you, you had that tone when you saved us from the White Witch, Tori." 

     I just left a cackle out before inhaling deeply, ready to open up again to Caspian.

     "When.. we left." I said, "A minutes after I came back to our world, I heard a loud noise upstairs on our house."

     "'s.. it's my mother. Saw her lying at the ground.. pale and lifeless.. she had an heart attack." I said, before looking at Caspian's eyes who's really serious about listening to me.

     "We took her to help.. of course.. healers did everything they can.." I tried not to teared up when I felt the tears forming up just to be released.

     "..and the bell.. that's the only thing I heard when they announced that.. that.."

     "She's... she's dead.." 

     I couldn't keep my tears anymore, and let them out. I was crying in sorrow, I was still mourning for the lost of my mother. 

     Caspian just looked at me before giving me a hug, while I was just bawling my eyes out while missing my mum.

     When my legs couldn't take it, I immediately dropped and it made Caspian followed me. He's just brushing my hair to keep me calm.

     "It's just been a year, and I still miss her... She's my mum.." I said, while breaking the hug and looking at Caspian straight into his eye.

     "Yes, she's your mum.. shh." Caspian said, pulling me into a hug again before patting my head and doing stuffs that he thinks that could calm me up.

     Once I finally calmed down, I immediately looked at Caspian who's just looking at me with his sad eyes.

     "I'm sorry.." He whispered.

     "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't break down in front of you." I said, standing quickly when my legs betrayed me and made me fall.

     "I'm sorry.." I kept apologizing.

     "No.. no.. don't apologize love, it's okay.." 

     Caspian was quick to catch me and immediately sat on the stairs to placed me into his lap for me to sit.

     "You shouldn't say sorry for that, Love. It's okay to mourn someone you love." Caspian advised.

     He pulled me in for a hug again, which I didn't find as I need warmth around me. When I finally gave in, I also replied with a hug. 

     "I thought.. I lost you both at the same day.." I said, before looking into his face that's shining from the moonlight.

     He just replied with a small smile before leaning himself in and kissed my forehead. He tighten the hug even more.

     His hugs really do make me feel safe and that's why I like them.

     My eyes were starting to be heavy, and I am guessing because I just bawled my eyes out from crying and it's tired. 

     Eventually, I didn't fight the heavy eye and just let myself fall asleep in Caspian's arms. 

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