Part 1

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Hello there readers! :D I have decided to start t h i s story because i d k it seems like i can take it somewhere. Luckily for you guys Im not sure I'll be able to think of a sad ending so there might be no sad alternative ending, Im sure I'll think of something before the end of this one though so you guys arent completely safe.  I will attempt to not forget about writing this one (hoping I dont loose motivation half-way through) anyways enjoy!

A bit of an explanation of what has happened before, At this point Izuku knows he isn't a female but his dad doesnt so he is constantly dead named by him. Same at school, the teachers also dont respect pronouns or preferred name. He is still bullied by Bakugo in fact more so because he is trans and Bakugo thinks its weird and doesnt get it. Sorry to the Bakugo simps, yo mans is a bit of a homophobe until Kiri. dw dw I will turn him from a homophobe to a homo. But Bakugo is always threatening to tell Izukus dad about him being trans and verbally and sometimes physically assaulting him. 

Midoriya POV

I awoke and immediately had to make sure my dad was still sleeping, when the coast was clear I put on my binder as tight as possible, put my hair up into a ponytail, and put on my uniform... the girls uniform... I sighed and tried not to get too upset about it, I always have to wear this uniform so I should just grin and bear it. I headed out the door after getting changed and went over to my bus stop, while it arrived I thought about how stupid school was. There are bullies, pervy teenagers, and grades. I dont get why we have to suffer through any of it. The bus arrived and I got on reluctantly. The perv boys (aka 2 boys that dont get that I am a boy) on my bus like to try to talk to me in the mornings on the bus to try to convince me to stay a girl but what they dont get is I was never a girl, I've always felt like a boy I was just put into the wrong body! I had to try not to cry at their phrases like "Just be happy with your gender, girls are great!" and the infamous "you look better as a girl" I dont think the boys mean any harm, they are just thinking about the fact they like me as a girl not for who I really am. They dont understand me at all and they think you get to choose if you are trans but really thats not how it works, if I could choose I would want to be happy with the way I am but I just cant be happy when it isnt who I feel like I am... Im glad Kacchan doesn't go on my bus though, he's the worst. He says all the things the boys on my bus do and more. Once when he came over to "hang out" he stole my binder and wouldn't give it back until I paid him 5$, I was surprised he didnt ask for more but its still a crappy thing to do. He constantly threatens to tell my father about my gender and he outed me to our entire class, then the class spread it across school so now pretty much everyone knows. The teachers didn't know who started it so they did nothing even though I told them it was Kacchan they didn't believe me because "Kacchan and I are close" and whats worse the teachers didnt decide to respect my pronouns either! They assumed it was a rumor and that it wasn't true so they continued with "oh what a darling little girl you are Midoriya, You are such a polite young lady Midoriya, whoever spread that rumor should be ashamed to say such a thing about a darling girl like you" They didn't care to ask "is this true should we be using different pronouns?" Nooo they just automatically assumed it wasn't true. Now I'm known as "The Delirious Girl" a few people who weren't rude have come up to me to try to apologize about all the hate and become my friend but Kacchan scared them away, he really doesn't want me to be happy. When I ask him why he chased them away he always said "we don't want your kind spreading dumbass" ouch. 

Time skip to the middle of the day

I noticed Kacchan wasn't here today so I guess I get a bit of a break. I was going about my day normally when suddenly my teacher got a phone call "yes this is (insert teachers name) how may I help you?..... You need Izumi to go down to the office?... All right I'll send her over."  dang, dead named and mis gendered. Critical hit. I hated hearing my dead name, it just reminded me that I wasn't who I wanted to be. I trudged down to the office and when I arrived the receptionist said "Please take a seat Izumi your dad called and said he would be picking you up early" I nodded then took a seat. Dang, dead named again and I'm sure my dad will dead name me some more at home, g r e a t. You never get used to being dead named, it always hurts at least a little bit. After a while you just become a bit numb to it I suppose.


end of le first chapter. I has a good feeling about this story, hopefully I am right to believe that this will be un masterpiece anyways bai have a good day/night and if you are reading this in the middle of the night, GET SOME SLEEP CHILD WATTPAD WILL BE HERE TOMORROW. <33

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