Part 5

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everyone direct your attention to the picture please, in fact maybe just look at the picture and stop reading because LOOKIT THEY LOOK SO HAPPY AND CUTE 

a n y w a y s  on with the chapter!


Todoroki POV 

(walking back from lunch)

Honestly I'm kind of confused, why did I care so much when Midoriya said she wasn't hungry? I usually ignore that kind of stuff because why help someone else when they probably wont help you ya know? Like why help someone out when they could leave you all alone at any second and no longer talk to you, whats the point of all the effort? Woah I got deep for a second, also I'm talking to myself in thought, whats up with me?? I've never done this before how peculiar. "Hey Todorokii?" I heard Midoriyas voice chirp I shook my head and there I was back in reality, what the heck happened-? ""hm? whats up?" I asked as though I wasnt just lost in thought. "Nothing, you just seemed zoned out so I was trying to snap you outta it" she said. I nodded then we continued walking back to class. As we were on our way that spiky haired kid who I found out his name was Bakugo, was walking towards us. Midoriya jumped and looked around as though he was searching for an escape route. "I-I'm going to go to the b-bathroom, be right back!" Then she dashed away. I turned back to the way we were previously facing to see Bakugo stomping towards me with an evil grin on his face. When he made it to me he growled "You should quit hangin with that loser, shes trans ya know, dont want her freakiness rubbin off on ya" damn his face looks so evil. Why should I care if she is- Wait I mean why should I care if he is trans? It's just how he feels, why should that be a bad thing? I think I get why he ran now honestly. "If I were you I would stop hanging out with her now, she'll ruin your rep" He scowled. What the fuck, I guess we got a transphobe at the school, how amazing. Even though I've only known Midoriya for less than I day he seems nice, especially considering the fact that I'm sure this spiky bitch has known him for a while now otherwise how would he know. "You're right I'll stop hanging out with her." I started. Bakubitch made a triumphant face then turned to stomp away. "wait you didn't let me finish, I'll stop hanging out with her and start hanging out with him" (A/N YOU GO TODO WOOOOO POP OFF BESTIEE anyways continue) He flung his head around to face me "I DONT KNOW WHY THE FUCK YOU WOULD WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH THAT DELIRIOUS FUCK, SHE NEEDS TO GET IT THROUGH HER HEAD THAT SHE IS A GIRL AND WILL NEVER BE A BOY!" Bakubitch yelled. It was so loud I'm sure poor Midoriya heard it in the bathroom, everyone turned to stare at Bakubitch but he didnt seem to notice past his rage. I cleared my throat then yelled back "I'll have you know that you seem to be the delirious fuck  because when I look at HIM all I see is a BOY!" I didnt yell it quite as loudly as him so I am not sure Midoriya heard. I'm not sure what came over me, I usually never yell in fact I'm not sure I ever have yelled before this. Bakubitch was clearly not used to people going against him and just flung around and stomped off muttering angrily under his breath. I went over to the bathroom entrance and knocked on the door. "Hey Midoriya, you alright?" I asked hoping he wouldn't ignore me. I heard the door unlock then suddenly Midoriya was hugging me "Thank you..." I heard him say through some sniffles. Damn this poor little dude. I wasn't used to hugs so I just stood there awkwardly and patted him on the head, his hair was remarkably soft and fluffy. When he stopped crying we realized we were late to class and ran to hopefully not get into trouble. 


another chapter d o n e yayyy anyways keep an eye out for the next chapter 

have a good day/night!

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