Part 3

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s h o r t i n t r o 


also a random thing, since Midoriya is a biological female in this his height is 5'3 in this

rq this is now present time and this is UA now no longer middle school. Any time Midoriya is caught by his dad doing something "un-feminine" or wearing more "masculine" clothing he is beaten and yelled at. Midoriya hopes at this new high school he can completely change his identity and hopefully be referred to as a guy, u n l e s s a certain someone decides to go to the same school and ruins it for him.

Todoroki POV

Today was my first day at UA academy. I don't expect much I just love going to school to get rid of my fricken "father" all he wants is for me to take over his dumb business. I get ready and head out, the school isnt too far from my house so I can walk. I put on my headphones and turned on some music as I walked to school. I took a deep breath of the fresh morning air and continued walking as I looked at my surroundings. 

Time skip to s c h o o l

I walked into the building, taking off my headphones knowing I should head to my locker and prepare for my first day of class. I walked through the halls looking at all the other students wondering which ones would be in my class, not that I would be-friend anyone I just wonder who will be my acquaintances? I'm not sure what to call it but in case I might be able to talk to anyone. I look around and see many different faces, didn't recognize a single one of um though. I saw a snobby boy with blonde hair, a girl with brown eyes and brown hair with rosy cheeks,  and a girl with green poofy hair, something seemed off about the poofy haired girl though she looked upset and seemed.... miserable. I guess it isn't any of my business. I continued walking down the hallway to my locker where I dropped my stuff off then grabbed my stuff i needed for class. Once I arrived there I sat at the desk with my name on it, and started finding spots for my stuff to go. I guess I was early because I was the only one in the classroom at the moment, people are most likely socializing in the hallways before school as a desperate attempt to make friends.  I waited as other students slowly walked into the classroom, I was surprised to see the gloomy poofy haired girl walk in, I assumed we wouldn't be in the same class. I watched her as she trudged past me to the seat right behind me, when she looked at her name on her desk she looked as though she wanted to cry. I was concerned and I felt... sympathy for her I guess you could say. At first I thought it was pity but I'm not sure that's it. I turned to face her, "Hey, you okay?" I asked, I'm shocked in myself for saying something honestly it's rare for me to interact "Oh! Um yeah just uh first day jitters I guess..?" She responded shakily. I'm not buying it, something is up now I really want to know what. "I sincerely doubt that, most people dont look so miserable then look like they are about to cry when they look at their desk" I responded, then I realized I sounded kind of like a stalker so I quickly said "sorry that sounded like I was stalking you didn't it- I apologize" The girl looked at me slightly confused but also a bit happy that I cared enough to notice "No, its fine, thanks for worrying but I'm all good!" She said smiling at me. It was a good attempt at a fake smile but I know the difference between fake and real. I ignored it though it wasn't really my business. "Hey whats your name" The girl asked in an attempt to change the subject I assume. "Its Shoto Todoroki" I responded "whats yours?" She hesitated and looked at her name on her desk sadly, quickly snapping out of it she turned to me and said "It's Izuku Midoriya, pleasure to meet you!" then covered her name tag up with an object on her desk. As curious as I was I just went with it, not really my business anyways. I nodded then just as I was about to continue speaking to Midoriya I was cut off by our teacher. "G'morning class, welcome to hell" I turned to see a man in a sleeping bag? You have got to be kidding me- What kind of teacher considers school hell-? Well I guess I'll roll with it. I looked around at my new classmates noticing all seats were full but one. How strange, who misses the first day of school, especially when you most likely know nobody at the school. The teacher was telling us stuff about the school year, and then told us his name, Mr. Aizawa.  In the middle of his talk another student which I assume is the one who belongs in the empty seat kicked the door open and stomped in, he had big spiky blonde hair and the angriest eyes I have ever seen. As soon as he came in I heard a gasp come from behind me I turned to see Midoriya with a terrified look on her face, as though he had seen a ghost. I didn't get it, why was she so terrified, yes this spiky haired kid had the face of an angry chihuahua but he wasn't threatening her so what's the problem? I'll be keeping a close eye on the angry guy.


thats all! hope you guys have a good day/night! :D

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