Part 13

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hello dudes and dudettes and anyone in between, hope you are having a wonderful day and this chapter is a week or 2 later and Todoroki has gotten some evidence and is prepared to call the popo


Todoroki POV

I finally have some witnesses and evidence to go off of and I can actually call the cops! If I get Midoriya out of that toxic place Ill be able to rest easy for the first time in a few weeks, It was a friday evening after school, I invited Midoriya over to do homework when in reality I was planning on calling the police while he was here to be sure he was safe, he should be arriving any minute now. I thought about if I wanted to call the police before he showed up or while he was here and settled on before, the faster they got there the better.

time skip to after he finished the call bc im too lazy to do the full convo-

I felt a bit nervous after calling the police but they said they would head over to Midoriyas house right away, speaking of Midoriya I should text him and ask if he was almost here. I grabbed my phone and texted 'Hey, you almost here?' I was a bit worried he wasnt here after 40 minutes, and yes I kept track. 5 more minutes go by and no response from Midoriya, I decide to turn on the news just in case they decided to report Midoriyas dad on it and to my shock they were doing a segment on Midoriyas dad, but that was because he was holding Midoriya hostage?! Apparently the police came then he threatened to murder Midoriya and they saw him with a knife to Midoriyas throat. I put on my shoes and ran to Midoriyas house as fast as possible, this is all my fault I should have waited till he arrived to call the police as I had planned, I just assumed he was already on his way, Im an idiot no no no no. I ran and I ran and I ran until I finally got to Midoriyas house surrounded by cop cars, I was panting and could barely breathe but I didnt care, I ran past them till I got to his front door where the cops were, "Get back kid, you could get hurt, go away!" one of the officers shouted at me, but I didnt care and ignored him. I stared at Midoriya through the door, the fear in his eyes pained me, I was still panting and couldnt seem to catch my breath. Another officer came up to me and told me to leave but I ignored her as well, my eyes were fixated on that guy that calls himself Midoriyas father. He appeared scared because he knew what he did wrong but I could tell he was thinking every man for himself and not thinking about his own son. I had to think of a plan and fast, who knows how long this could go on for? The police were attempting to negotiate with him but he isn't having it, all he wanted was not to go to prison but obviously he had to go for his crimes. The situation was at a stand still, the cops didnt know what to do and nor did the dad, I thought about the situation, how could I get Midoriya away from him without him getting hurt? "Let the girl go, come calmly and your sentence wont be as long!" One of the cops shouted "actually, its a boy" I said to the cop. She looked confused but nodded and repeated herself but replacing the word girl with boy. "Hold up, youre a kid you shouldnt be here" She said when she finally realized. I looked at her with a stern look in my eyes "I have to be here, thats my friend" I said seriously. "OI SHE IS A GIRL, I WOULD KNOW SHES MY DAUGHTER" Midoriyas father yelled before the cop could tell me to leave again. The cop looked at me then asked "transphobe?" As she pointed to the dad. I nodded and she looked even more mad at him. "I know Im supposed to tell you to go away but do you have any idea if there are any back ways into the house?" She asked. I wasnt sure because I wasnt allowed to come in because of his dad. "Im not sure but I can check, Ill be quiet" I offered. She looked around making sure none of the other cops noticed her allow me to check. I found one that was unlocked, this would be useful. When I told the cop she thanked me and told me now I had to go, of course I wasnt going to though. She told one of her co-workers and they went around to see. I wonder... do they have a tranquilizer gun on them or something? I went back up to the same girl to ask her, she was a bit annoyed that I was still here but took my suggestion into consideration and passed on my idea to the colleague with the tranquilizer gun, maybe I was useful? I hope so because I couldnt stand to see Midoriya in such fear any longer.


have a good day/night! :D

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