Part 23

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the end of this story is coming soon and watch out because I might have thought of something for a sad ending

prepare your tissues


Todoroki POV 

As Midoriya and I were hugging I realized we were still in the girls bathroom so we quickly left before anyone walked in. As we were walking outside I remembered I had scheduled a hair appointment for Izu for tomorrow after school. I forgot to tell him, I cant wait to see his reaction when I tell him he'll probably be surprised and happy!  "hey Izu! I forgot to tell you I scheduled a hair appointment for you! I assumed you would want to get rid of your long hair and all that. If you dont want to go though I can cancel the appointment!" I said as we walked towards where he was staying (A/N Midoriya is leading the way back to where he is staying) Izu froze in his tracks and turned to look at me with a grateful/shocked face. He smiled and said "Thank you!" I smiled back at him. "It was no problem, its tomorrow at 5 p, all I ask for in exchange is that I get to come so I can be the first to see your new hair" I said happily. He nodded vigorously and thanked me again and again as we were on our way back to his place. 

Time skip to when they got there

They were staying in a hotel not far from where I had found Izu the in the morning. "Crap! My mom is probably worried sick! I'm an idiot I never told her anything! Wait did I leave a note for her? I forgot! I hope I did!" Izu panicked as we got closer to the room. "Im sure it will be fine" I said reassuringly as I placed my hand on his shoulder in a friendly fashion. We walked into the room and Izus mom was minding her own business and seemed pretty calm. "Hello Izuku! You scared me for a bit! Im glad you left a note!" she exclaimed. I looked to Izu and his face looked confused, as though he had no memory of leaving a note.  (A/N I think I forgot to mention he left a note in the past chapter so lets pretend I added that-) "Sorry I was out the whole day! I went on a morning walk and saw Sho as I was out so we sorta just went out together for the day" Izu said nervously scratching the back of his head. "Oh you two are on a first name basis I see?"  Inko said smirking at me then at Izu. Izus face went slightly red and he looked away from us. "I-I guess?" he stuttered. I looked at Ino seriously and said "yes we are, while we are on this subject I would like to ask for your sons hand in marriage in the future please and thank you" Inko looked surprised then smiled at me warmly and chuckled. Izus face went an even more intense red. "Well you have my blessing thats for sure" she responded, I bowed in thanks. "Thank you mrs. Midoriya I will take care of him." I said politely. "Im sure you will" She started "And you can call me inko if you would like" She finished and Izu fell backwards onto the ground with a red face. I bent down to make sure he was okay and he was all good, just flustered. "Im sure he'll be fine!" Inko said giggling. I nod then decide to let her know tomorrow I was taking Izu out to cut his hair short and she thanked me and then I had to go on my way. I wanted to stay but my dad would get mad at me for staying too long. "Bye Inko!" I said waving goodbye as I walked out the door. I was smiling brightly for some reason, I dont know why but I just felt... happy? Very peculiar.


end of le chapter I hope you enjoyed have a good day/night!

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