Part 21

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so this is towards the end of their date, they have gone to the mall, eaten lunch, hung out, etc and are now headed to the movie theater it is around 5 pm when they get there and their movie is at 5:10pm anyways yuh ill shut up now


Midoriya POV

It was the end of the day and the last thing Sho and I wanted to do was go see a movie so we went in and bought the tickets and got some popcorn and candy, with Endeavors credit card of course, we also got slurpies :D Anyways we walked into the movie theatre and took our seats and kind of just talked to each other during the commercials. The movie was a lot sadder than I expected and I cried through half of it, Sho had to hand me napkins to use as tissues every few seconds. I was super tired near the end of the movie but I wasnt about to fall asleep and have the whole falling asleep on the love interest shabang so I sat up straight and took a sip of my slurpie in an attempt to stay awake. "You tired?" Shoto whispered to me. I swung to look towards him, SERIOUSLY IS HE A PHYCIC OR SOMETHING?!? "I- Um- No" I whispered quickly. I heard him chuckle lightly, "You can lean on me if you want ya know, I dont mind" Shoto whispered in a kind tone. I waved my hands in front of myself and was about to respond "If you dont want to dont if youre tired and you want to then go ahead, alright?" he responded before I was able to get a word in. I nodded then sat in my chair awkwardly, I wanted to lay on his shoulder but also how awkward would that be. I got a bit tired again after a little while and decided to consider Shotos offer I sighed then stiffly laid my head on Shos shoulder, I was quite awkward about it for a minute but after that minute I felt safe and secure by his shoulder and I wanted to stay there forever. Just knowing he was there with a physical touch made me relax a lot, I began closing my eyes and I nodded off to sleep.

Todoroki POV

I noticed Izuku was acting a bit tired, so I decided to ask "You tired?" He swung his head to look at me and stuttered "I- Um- No" I chuckled lightly "You can lean on me if you want ya know, I dont mind" I whispered, I immediately regretted it though, would he think it was strange of me to say that?! I really hope not. He waved his hands in front of himself and was about to respond but I decided to add something "If you dont want to dont if youre tired and you want to them go ahead, alright?" I think that made it a little better. He nodded then sat back awkwardly and sat there sitting up completely straight for a minute or so then suddenly he stiffly laid his head on my shoulder. I smiled to myself happy to have this feeling of security. After a bit Izu relaxed and I assumed he had fallen asleep. How adorable. I never in a million years would have thought that I, Shoto Todoroki would be living the dream. 

Time skip to when the movie was over

I decided to left Izuku keep resting even after the movie ended, I waited for the credits to roll then I reluctantly was about to wake him up when suddenly there was a tap on my shoulder. When I turned to see who is was it was ponyta- I mean Yaoyorozu from our class. She was a bit rude to Izuku at first but last he told me she apologized and now alls well "Hi did you need something?" I asked, I was a bit confused as to why she felt the need to talk to me. "Hi! How are you?" She asked ignoring my question. "Im good thanks" I responded. "Glad to hear! Hey I just wanted to pop over and say hi, also I wanted to give you this" She giggled as she grabbed a heart shaped box of chocolates, dark chocolate to be specific. "Thanks, how did you know dark chocolate is my favorite?" I asked in a confused tone. "Oh you know, I admire you so much I wanted to make sure to know little things about you! For example I know your favorite color is gray which is why I got it in a gray box!" She said smiling at me cheerfully. How did she- you know what never mind Im not even going to ask again. I guess she was being very kind to me, maybe she felt bad for being rude to Izu? Who knows. She climbed over the seats and sat right next to me and began talking and talking as I just sat and listened. I only liked listening to Izu ramble, it isnt as entertaining when other people do it. I felt Izu begin to move on y shoulder and assumed he was waking up. "we really should be going Izuku is waking up so yeah" I said as kindly as possible. "Oh I see" she said peering over to look at him. He sat up and stretched then yawned "Is the movie over yet?" He asked drowsily. I smiled then suddenly my face was grabbed and I was pulled into a kiss without my consent and it wasnt Izuku that was for sure. I was in shock that this Yaoyorozu girl had the audacity to pull a stunt like this, I froze in shock for a moment not knowing what to do then I heard footsteps receding behind me and shoved her away from me. I looked back and Izuku was gone. Fuck! Why would she do this to me, I thought she was trying to apologize and make amends but she had messed everything up. I stood up and I heard her call out from behind me "Wait! Where are you going?" I looked back at her with a furious stare and growled "Im going to explain to my boyfriend what you did." Then before I went to run off and find him I shouted at her "TAKE YOURE DAMN CHOCOLATES, YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON DONT YOU DARE TALK TO ME OR HIM EVER AGAIN" Then I bolted away as fast as I could, where was he? Fuck he probably didnt even want to see me right now. He probably feels so betrayed right now I feel awful! Im coming Izu, I swear Im not a cheater please dont leave me!


end of c h a p t e r 

have a good day/night! :D

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