Part 2

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okay I couldnt help myself Im too excited for this story and I decided to post the next chapter-, also this is still set before UA


Midoriya POV

When my dad came he looked upset, I wonder what it is this time. I can assume it has something to do with me because why else would he pick me up early. When we got into the car my dad stayed silent and drove to a clothing store? I was confused but once he stopped he turned with an angry glare and said "Your friend Bakugo told me about your confusion you see Izumi, I think you just need more girly clothes maybe it'll knock some sense into you" He got out of the car and told me to stay in the car as he grabs some things. I was shocked, why the heck did Kacchan tell him?! I didn't do anything!! Why does everything happen to me, I never get a break. I sniffled a bit and tried to hope for the best..

Time skip to when they get home (this ones name should be Jannet)

When we got back to my house and my dad tossed the bag of clothes at me then slapped me across the face. "Dont you dare call yourself a boy, you were born a girl so you will stay one end of discussion" He scowled. "But dad why can't you just let me be who I am, I'm not a gir-" I started but I was brutally interrupted by him punching me in the stomach. I couldn't breathe for a few seconds "You are a girl! You should learn to accept your gender." I teared up but didnt cry i rubbed the tears away then my dad looked down at me scoffed and walked into his room slamming the door behind him. I ran into my room, closed the door and locked it behind me. Why can't I just.. be me. I shoved my face into my pillow and cried as my fathers words rung in my ears.

Time skip to next day before school

As I looked at the clothes my dad had gotten me I was shocked, they were all a size too small so that all my curves would show. I wanted to cry, the only thing I had was my binder to make myself feel at least a bit more comfortable. I put it on as tight as possible then put on my new trashy clothes. Of course the 2 perv boys on my bus loved the outfit and kept complimenting me on it, I just wanted them to shut the heck up though. I asked Kacchan why he had told my father and he just cackled. Then said "Oh, I got bored I wasn't getting much reaction out of ya so I decided to tell him." He said it as though it was nothing though. Acted like it wasn't a giant secret. I wanted to tell him off, to punch him, to kick him but I held myself back and just tried not to get upset. He continued cackling as I walked away. He seemed to be having fun with my torture. G r e a t.


sorry for short chapter but the next chapter will start when they get into UA 

if it wasnt clear the last chapter and this one was set in middle school

Am I Normal...? ♥A tododeku story♥Where stories live. Discover now