Part 9

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expect less regulated chapters  :,)
Hope you enjoy!
TW abuse and drunkness (idk what you call it-)


Midoriya POV

It has been 2 days and Momo has begun to be nicer to me, it was strange after she had been so rude but I forgave her, everyone makes mistakes. She likes to ask millions of questions, mostly about Todoroki for some reason. I have no idea why but I dont judge. When I got home from school I went into my dads room to check for my binder but I couldn't find it anywhere. Fudge. I would have to use a less safe method, but at least it would do the job. Once I took care of that I grabbed my bag and was about to head out when I heard the the front door open. Crap my dad was back already, I thought he wasn't getting home until 4:30, I looked at my alarm clock to check the time and it was only 4:12. Why was he home so early? I decided to get this encounter over-with and swiftly walked out of my room but he was drinking and seemed off balance. I had to go as soon as possible, I began walking towards the door when I heard his voice chime in "WhEre do you think YoUre going yoUng lady" I decided to ignore the fact that he called me a young lady and said nothing, I simply pointed to the door then to my backpack hoping he would understand. I didnt like talking to him so I avoided it as much as I could. He violently tilted his head then hobbled over to me. I was terrified, while drunk he was 10x aggressive than normal and I didnt want to fight him. "TaLk to mE giRl" He said angrily. "Going to do homework with a friend, also I think you mean boy" I mumbled regretting saying the last part. He slapped me across the face "I meAn girL, and I dOnt belieVe you hAve frienDS" he said wobbling on his feet, he appeared as if he would fall over at any second. I attempted a dash for the door but he toppled onto me and stopped me, him falling onto me surprised me and knocked the wind out of me. I couldn't breathe for a few seconds but as I tried to catch my breath my "dad" stood up and stomped my back causing breathing to be even harder. "Stupid girL" he grumbled slamming my face into the ground. I saw a bit of blood on the floor and assumed I had a bloody nose. Again. He grabbed another beer from the fridge as though nothing happened then proceeded to lock himself in his room. As soon as he was gone I ran out as fast as I could not even thinking to grab something for my bloody nose. I ended up just using my sleeve and hoped it would stop bleeding before I got to Todoroki's. Once I finally arrived at his house I rubbed my nose and rung the door bell praying my nose had stopped bleeding. (A/N rq lets just pretend Endeavor doesnt exist at the moment- I assume that wont be a problem) Todoroki opened the door and I watched as his eyes widened, I guess my nose didnt stop bleeding then, I sighed then said "hi Todoroki, how are you"


sorry for le short chapter :,) hope you enjoyed anyways, bai have a good day/night!

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