Part 12

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Midoriya POV (Its monday now btw-)

After that day with Todoroki showing up at my house my "dad" has been blaming me for his appearance. He doesnt like hearing that I have friends because he assumes I'll rat him out but Im too scared to do that, I just have to hope Todoroki understood my hand sign. My dad told me I wasnt allowed to go to school for like a week in fear that I would tell Todoroki about him doing all the... things he does. Finally he let me go back after the week and of course threatened me and told me not to tell him. What else could I do? I had to keep my mouth shut, he threatened to pull me out of school if I said anything, if I couldnt go to school I couldnt see Todoroki and that would be depressing. I made sure any injuries from him were covered with makeup or by clothing and headed out the door.

lo siento for the short Midoriya pov-

Todoroki POV

I looked into the hand sign Midoriya had done and that concluded the fact his household wasnt safe, he had done the universal hand sign for abuse. I have to tell someone about this, I cant just leave Midoriya there. Who should I call though? Who am I supposed to tell? Probably 911 right? But how can I get them to believe me? I assume Midoriyas father is very upset at him because he hasnt been to school in like a week, I had to finish the project without him which wasnt too hard and I didnt mind. I grabbed my stuff and headed out the door.

time skip to school

When I got to school I was surprised to see Midoriya sitting in his seat, I walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He jumped as usual but calmed down noticing it was just me. "h-hi Todoroki, sorry I was gone I caught a cold" Midoriya stuttered. I knew that wasnt true but I nodded and went along with it. "Thats fine, Im glad youre okay now" I said trying not to seem worried. He smiled, again not legitimately and nodded. "We should pay attention in class now heheh" He said laughing nervously. I nodded and sat in my seat prepared to pay attention. During class I thought about Midoriyas predicament and decided, I would call 911 but first I would make a stop in Midoriyas neighborhood to see if any of the neighbors had any information on Midoriyas dad and possibly any evidence of abuse. This wouldnt be easy to pull off but it was worth a shot for Midoriyas safety. The rest of the school day went by pretty fast and before I knew it I was walking home with Midoriya as usual. "Is it okay if I walk you home? I dont have anything to do at my house so taking longer to get back wouldnt hurt" I asked mid convorsation. "sure, I dont mind but Im a bit busy so you wont be able to come in sadly" he responded. I knew the real reason I couldnt come in but of course I didnt mention it. When we got there we waved goodbye and when Midoriya was inside I headed for a neighbors house. I knocked on the door and a middle aged woman opened the door. "Yes?" She said confused as to why a high schooler was at her door. "Hello, I would like to discuss your neighbor right over there." I said pointing to Midoriyas house. The lady seemed confused and gave me a weird look "Question, why are you curious about them, Ive never seen you around besides that time you said to keep a lookout on that house. Do you even live in this neighborhood?" The lady questioned. "All valid questions and concerns allow me to explain, you see I have reason to believe my friend who lives there is being abused by his father and I wanted to gather evidence or witnesses before alerting authorities. Im afraid if I dont come up with enough evidence they will ignore my concerns." I said hoping she had some sort of evidence or she had seen or heard anything suspicious. She looked shocked then said "My my Im so sorry, that sounds serious! Have you talked to your friend about it?" She asked in a concerned tone. "Not yet, Im not sure if his father is threatening him or making sure he keeps his mouth shut about him. He was absent at school for around a week and when he came back he said he just had a cold but Im sure it had something to do with the fact he had slept over at my house last week friday, Im sure his father was upset at him." I said as sophisticated and as serious as possible, if I didnt sound genuine I wouldnt be taken seriousy. "Well Ill keep a look out and maybe try to get to know the guy, if I see or hear anything Ill let you know." she responded "great, can I come back lets say next week monday to see if youve heard anything?" I asked, she nodded "For your friends sake I hope your suspicions are wrong but Ill help as much as I can, have a good day" She said solemnly before waving goodbye and closing the door. I knew that it was true though, I had heard it and he had given me that hand sign, I know he wouldnt joke about something like that so he was no doubt in danger. I went to the next house and knocked on the door.



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