Part 26-Finale

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this is set in the future, todoroki and midoriya are both adults, they are married, they have two adopted children one is 7 one is 11. Midoriya legally changed his name to Izuku Midoriya and got top surgery and all that, he is fully transitioned and is very happy about it, last thing, say hello to Aiko and Ichika again *Cough* If only  *cough* Im just re using the names bc why not, the ages are different though


Todoroki POV

Izu was at work so I decided to take Aiko and Ichika to the park today, I made sure they both had sunscreen on then we headed out towards the park. "Dad dad dad dad daaaad dad dad daaaaaaaad" Ichika began saying repetitively. "Whats up buttercup?" I asked. "Can I have a piggy back ride?" She asked jumping up in front of me. "CaN i HaVe a PiGgY bAcK rIdE" Aiko mimicked. "Hey! Dont do that! Dad tell Aiko to be nice!" Ichika whined. I rolled my eyes smiling. "Aiko be nice to your little sister" I said trying not to chuckle. "I was just messing with her a bit!" Aiko retorted "No need for her to be such a tattle tale you were literally right in front of us!" He finished pouting slightly. I sighed then responded "I know but cut her some slack alright?" Aiko nodded with a slight pout on his face lingering. "And as for you missy, no need to tell on your brother all the time" I said turning to Ichika and hoisting her onto my back. She giggled happily and I beamed. We arrived at the park and I let the kids mingle and play around. After at least an hour of playing Aiko and Ichika suddenly ran towards me, once they arrived they both held up one finger as they panted for a bit then once they caught their breathe they both looked up at me and said in unison "Can we go on a walk in the forest?" They then looked at each other in shock that they said the same thing at the same time. "Jinx!" Aiko shouted pointing at Ichika. "What?! No fair! I wasnt ready!" Ichika shouted back. "We've been over this Ichika you arent supposed to be ready for a jinx they happen when you unexpectedly say something at the same time as someone else" Aiko sighed in an annoyed tone. Ichika crossed her arms and let out a little "Hmph." I looked at both of them and replied before the argument could escalate. "Sure lets go on a walk in the forest!" it was still light out so I thought bug spray wasnt necessary but just in case I put a little onto them and myself to be safe, I was glad I brought both the sunscreen and the bug spray now. We began out forest walk and Ichika marched in front of both Aiko and I in an authoritative way. They both kind of wandered as we walked through, it wasnt a thick forest thankfully, but I couldn't help but think the are of the forest we had just entered looked kind of familiar. I shook the thought away and kept looking after the kids, suddenly Aiko ran up to a tree and when he looked up the tree he looked shocked then he ran to Ichika, brought her to the tree then she looked shocked. I wonder what they saw. "Dad come over here!" Aiko shouted at me. I jogged over to the "Whats up?" I asked then Aiko pointed up. I looked up and there it was, my old treehouse. I had completely forgotten about it!! "It looks so cool! I wonder where it came from!" Aiko said excitedly. "Maybe aliens!" Ichika suggested. "no way thats not possible dum dum" Aiko said in a sassy tone. "Be nice guys" I said still looking at the treehouse. "I wonder how you get up, theres nothing like a ladder" Aiko said walked around the tree a few times. "I know how" I said looking back at the kids. "What do you mean? How would you know?" Aiko said putting his hands onto his hips. "Because this is my treehouse" I replied calmly, "HUH? HOW COME YOU NEVER SHOWED US?" Aiko shouted clearly shocked he slapped his hand over his mouth. I chuckled because that reminded me of Izu, he always does that. "I forgot about it honestly." I responded. "So how do you get up?" Ichika asked. I tugged on the right branch and sure enough the ladder plopped down. "Wha how did that-" Aiko began but stopped when he realized Ichika was already climbing up the ladder. "Hey! I found it I wanted to go up first!" Aiko said angrily. "You were too slow sorry!" Ichika responded making it to the top. I followed them up and memories rushed in. I remembered coming here to study with Izu, I remembered watching movies on our phones or laptops up here, I remembered having sleepovers up here, I also remembered Izu and Is first memory in here, right after we had gotten Izus haircut I brought him here to engrave our initials into the wall. I went over to see the engraving and sure enough there it was plain as day. I smiled to myself then picked up the knife we had left behind here after the engraving because I dont want the kids to play with it. "What are you looking at?" Aiko asked curiously. "This is an engraving from your father and I a long time ago, we were around 16 at the time" I replied reminiscing in the past. "Woah how long have you known papa?" Ichika asked coming over to look at the engraving as well. "Since high school" I answered. "Woah seriously? What are the odds you guys ended up getting married?" Aiko said his eyes widening. I shrugged, "after meeting him everything was kind of like a wattpad fan fiction honestly" I said laughing a bit (A/N dont ask why this is funny to me-) "You know, one day when you guys find a special someone I want you to bring them to this very treehouse and engrave your initials here just like this. If you dont work out you scribble their initials out and wait until you get someone elses initials to replace it with, got it?" I said looking my kids in the eye. They both nodded and Aiko rolled his eyes "Yeah like I would date anyone relationships are gross" He said partially joking. Ichika and I both laughed and Aiko just stood there crossing his arms in a grumpy fashion.

Time skip to later that night after deku got home

Izu and I were attempting to get Ichika settled into bed for the night which is harder than you would think. Aiko is pretty good just a bit fussy at first then he gos to bed after a bit. Ichika on the other hand will run around the house if given the opportunity, you always have to bargain with her if you want her to go to sleep. Tonight I promised to give her extra dessert tomorrow night, I only did it to get some alone time with Izu as fast as possible though. After Izu gets home from work he is usually tired and so I like to let him put Aiko to bed whereas I deal with the little gremlin- I mean Ichika. Tomorrow it was my turn to go into work though so I wanted to be sure to get enough rest while also spending some alone time with Izu. (A/N They go to work different days of the week example: deku goes monday todo goes Tuesday and so on) I flopped down onto the bed beside Izu and let out a sigh. "What did you offer her this time? Izu asked. "Extra dessert" I said turning my head towards him. Izu giggled "I didnt take you for such a push over Sho!" he said as he giggled. "Shut up! I just wanted to spend time with you dummy!" I said slapping him with a pillow lightly. "Aww thats cute" He replied smiling at me. I got back up, brushed my teeth and went into the bathroom to change into my pjs, then I came back and flopped myself onto Izus lap. "How was your day?" I asked turning to look at his beautiful face. "Meh, same as usual just work ya know" He said shrugging. "What about you?" He added. "Pretty good, I brought Aiko and Ichika to the park" I said moving to lay next to him. "Oh really? How did that go?" He asked. "It went well, actually speaking of that they wanted to go on a walk in the forest after playing and the park and you'll never guess what we found" I said excitedly. "What? Izu asked tilting his head the way he always does when asking a question. "Our old treehouse! It was a bit dusty so I was thinking we should go back this weekend to clean it up a bit" I said happily. "Oh wow! Just hearing about it brings back memories!" He replied his eyes widening. "Did you tell the kids about the engraving?" He asked. I nodded "Mhm and I told them their special someone should be shown the treehouse as well" I said. "Well thats great sweetie! Also we should definitely try to fix it up this weekend, not only would it be fun but we could also reminisce in old memories" He sighed happily. I nodded sighing in happiness as well. We both decided to head to bed soon after and we laid there in the dark enjoying each others presence. As I was about to drift off I thought to myself I cant believe how lucky I got, I want things to stay like this forever.




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