Part 7

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ello there dudes and dudettes and anyone in between, hope you are doing good! Enjoy le chapter


Todoroki POV

Midoriya seemed more uncomfortable than usual today, I couldn't tell why but while we were walking to school he had to stop and put on his hoodie, but it wasn't cold out? It was a bit strange but I dont judge. We talked on the way to school and Bakugo seemed to not want to deal with me and avoided bullying Midoriya this morning. I take that as a little win. (A/N *vibes in im in love with an e-girl*) We got into the class and continued talking while we waited for class to start. Everyone finally arrived and Mr. Aizawa began speaking of an assignment. "g'morning class, We will be starting a project tomorrow, today will be explanation and choosing your partner. First of all the explanation, (insert the beginning of directions here)" As the teacher explained, I turned to face Midoriya to quietly ask him to be my partner for the project but he seemed, worried and still uncomfortable. I'll ask him at lunch I guess. I continue to pay attention to the instructions.

time skip to after he is done explaining

"And thats all you needa know" Mr. Aizawa finally finished. The whole class seemed slightly confused and were not fully sure on the assignment, except the black haired girl in the back of the class with the ponytail. She almost seemed eager to begin the project. I looked at her for a few second wondering how she seemed so happy when she noticed me looking, committed red face, (A/N fcgvubhijn i feel like todoroki wouldnt understand blush- gfrbgv)then looked away. How peculiar. "Okay, dont make me regret allowing you guys to choose your own partners, you have until the end of class to work the partner thing out I'm going to sleep dont wake me unless someone is dying and even then try calling someone else first." he said crawling into his yellow cocoon. As soon as he was in the sleeping bag everyone began trying to find a partner, making quite a commotion while doing so. Midoriya just had his face face down on his desk, was he sleeping? I was about to say something to him when the ponytail girl came up to me and said "H-hey! Um you're Todoroki right?" She said still a bit red. I nodded then she stuttered "H-hi, would you l-like to be my partner?" I tilted my head then said "Sorry, I don't really know you and I already have a partner" She seemed confused, as though she expected me to say yes without a doubt. (A/N sorry to any Momo stans- *nervouslaugh*) I bowed in apology then walked around her to the side of Midoriya's desk. I tapped his shoulder lightly which made him flinch and jump up. "wait, you want to be my partner?" Midoriya asked pointing to himself with a surprised look on his face. I nod "Why wouldn't I want to be your partner?" I asked, I had no one else I knew to partner with, why would I choose someone random over him? "Well there are so many girls in the class that would probably love to partner up with you, like the one who just asked" He responded gesturing towards the ponytail girl who was now staring at Midoriya with a mean face. When Midoriya noticed her stare he looked very scared of her, he seemed intimidated by her. "May I ask, why choose her over me?" She asked me innocently "actually its him" I responded "also because I dont really know you but I know him" I finished putting emphasis on the word him. She looked at me with a bit of disgust in it. "Um I'm sorry but that is a girl if I've ever seen one, just look at her body, its feminine not masculine which means she is female." ponytail said in a very serious tone. I watched as Midoriya winced at her words, why would I want to partner with this idiot. "Its not really your business to look at people and assume their gender identity" I growled at ponytail. She looked upset then walked away angrily. "u-um thanks Todoroki but there was no need-" Midoriya started then I interrupted him and said "There was a need" He looked up and smiled at me, this one was different though, it wasn't fake this time and it made me feel... happy? I haven't felt much happiness throughout my life so it seems foreign and weird. I wanted to smile back but it wouldn't even begin to compare to Midoriya's smile.


end of le chapter

hope you enjoyed have a good day/night!

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