Part 20

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short introo


Midoriya POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar place, I looked around and saw Todoroki sitting on a chair near by on his phone. TODOROKI?! WHAT HAPPENED? UM OH RIGHT I HAD A BREAK DOWN IN FRONT OF HIM 😃 GREAT. "Todoroki, um where are we?" I asked confused. He immediately put his phone down and responded "Oh youre awake, well we are at my house in my room. After you calmed down you fell asleep so I took you here since I didn't know where you are staying" ah that makes sense- but whymewhywoulddidihavetofallasleepinfrontofhimthatssoembarassing. "S-sorry about that" I said bashfully. "Its all good Midoriya but you could make it up to me by perhaps accompanying me on a date?" He said his face turning a light shade of red, he also scratched the  back of his head which was supposed to be my thing. My face of course went bright red, I covered my face with my arms "U-um s-su-sure" I responded. There was a slight awkward silence then Todoroki said "Ah, do you need a change of clothes?" "I think so" I chuckled nervously. I uncovered my face to see Todoroki grabbing some clothes then walking over and handing them to me. I bowed slightly to thank him then he told me where the bathroom was so I could change in there. While I was in the bathroom changing I was thinking, since Todoroki and I are technically dating do I refer to him as Shoto? Or do I give him a nickname like Sho or um im not sure there are many nicknames for shoto but I get the point. Maybe I should ask him? Or just say it and see what he does? Im not sure- I finished up changing then I walked back into Todorokis room and without thinking I said "Your turn Sho" I slapped my hand over my mouth instantly and began apologizing profusely but then Todoroki put his hand up to motion to me to calm down or stop talking then he said "Its fine, Ill be right back Izu" then he walked out of the room with his change of clothes. OMIGISH HE GAVE ME A NICKNAME TOO AAA WHAT iS THIS FEELING IT FEELS LIKE MY HEART IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE O MAH GAWD >///<

Todoroki POV

I heard Midoriya walking down the hallway towards my room and when he walked in he said "Your turn Sho" Then immediately slapped his hand over his mouth and then began babbling about how he was sorry but all I could think was damn that was, wow. I rose my hand to motion him to stop talking them said "its fine, Ill be right back Izu" and walked out of the room my spare change of clothes slung over my shoulder. ACK DID I REALLY JUST SAY THAT UM THAT WAS STRANGE WASNT IT, WHY AM I PANICKING IN MY HEAD I NEVER DO THIS-?  I took aa deep breath then changed and reluctantly headed back into my room where I saw a mumbling broccoli on my bed with a pink face. Should I call him Izu again?? Ah what the heck, sure. "Hey Izu, you okay?" I asked walking closer to him. He jumped up off my bed and nodded violently. After a few seconds we decided we should go out and began our... date. 


sorry this chapter was kinda rushed =.= 

have a good day/night!!

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