Part 16

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sooooO This is later that night in the hospital, Todorokis condition isnt bad he merely passed out from exhaustion. Deku was also very tired and was checked out by the doctors too. The doctors allowed him to be with Todoroki when they confirmed he was alright. 


Midoriya POV

Its been a few hours, the doctors said Todoroki was alright. He was just passed out from stress and exhaustion which was a big relief. I panicked when I realized he had passed out so I wasnt thinking rationally. While I waited for him to wake up I wondered what he meant by he loved me, like does he mean as a friend? A significant other? A family member? Maybe he thinks of me as a brother? I honestly had no idea, while I was deep in thought there was a touch on my shoulder I shook my head to drag myself out of thought "If youre wondering what I meant you could just ask me" Todoroki chuckled while smiling. My eyes widened and I quickly pulled him into a hug careful not to hurt him. I held in tears, I cry too much. I wiped my few tears that slipped out then sniffled. "Its okay Midoriya, Im fine." Todoroki whispered as though he could hear my thoughts. "Are you okay though??" He asked pulling away from the hug to check my face" I nodded "Youre the one who passed out not me" I giggled, Todoroki could be bleeding out whereas I had a scratch and he would prioritize me. That made me feel.... a feeling. "Yeah but you have a few bandages on your face, are they alright?" He asked still concerned. I nod again and roll my eyes as I smile "I am fine Todoroki, the question is are you alright" I said. He nodded back. I was relived and let out a sigh. "So I heard you mummering to yourself, would you like context to what I said?" Todoroki asked plainly. WOAH WOAH WOAH HE HEARD ME?? OH GOD- UM- WHAT DO I SAY? ACK. (A/N Deku really said gay panic) "Um S-sure!" I respond a little loudly out of nervousness. I felt my face get hot, I was scared he meant as a brother or something and I was blushing for nothing, Todoroki reached for my hand but I drew away by instinct. "SORRY!" I apologized immediately "Its fine Midoriya you dont need to say sorry" Todoroki said softly. "Sorry" I said, then I slapped my hand over my mouth realizing I wasnt meant to apologize. "We'll work on that" Todoroki shrugged. I nodded then removed my hand from my mouth. "May I?" Todoroki asked motioning towards my hand. I nodded again, I was too scared to speak, I stutter too much so its best to avoid it. Todoroki grabbed my hand gently, his hand was so soft, it was nice to feel a reassuring hand holding mine it felt nice and safe. He used his other hand to gently lift my face to face him. "Midoriya, I love you" Todoroki said softly. "W-what do you mean?" I ask quietly. "I mean that I would like to kiss you, may I?" He said calmly as though it was nothing. His cheeks were slightly pink but he clearly didnt react as I did to all of this. "I-I- Um sure!" I stuttered quickly. As soon as I gave him permission he pulled me into a kiss, it was nice though it was foreign to me. I had never kissed anyone so I had no idea how to. I felt his soft lips against mine and it was nice frankly. I didnt think I was trans and gay but meh.


end of chaptererer hab a good day/night!

Am I Normal...? ♥A tododeku story♥Where stories live. Discover now