Part 4

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I cant help myself I keep posting the chapters before Im supposed to grfed welp e n j o y


Midoriya POV

This Todoroki fella seems nice, he also looks amazing. I wish I looked like him... In the middle of Mr. Aizawa talking the door was kicked open by somebody. The door crashing open made me jump out of my skin, geez who would kick the door open especially at school the audacity this kid had. As soon as he walked in I gasped, it was Kacchan?! W h y I thought I could re-invent myself here! Kacchan's going to ruin everything! He'll tell everyone I'm trans then everyone will hate me including Todoroki who I just met! Why can't I ever seem to catch a hecking break.. I winced at the thought of everyone turning against me, middle school would happen all over again and there was nothing I could do about it. I hate everything. I wanted to run as far as I can and never come back, I dont want to be the laughing stock of the school all over again. I avoided eye contact with the beast but I could feel his death stare piecing through my skull. I began trembling uncontrollably, I was literally shaking in my boots. 

time skip to le lunch time (there is le eating in this part so idk if I need a tw for people who dont like food but um yea)

I grabbed my lunch box and went to the lunch room, I found a nice spot on the floor to sit at and decided to make myself comfortable. I opened my lunch box and just stared at my PB&J (A/N dont ask why I have mentioned pb&js in 2 of my stories, idk myself) I had lost my appetite, just knowing Kacchan was probably spreading rumors right now! By tomorrow I bet everyone in the school will know about me! Oh god oh god. I looked around the cafeteria and I felt as though everyone talking to each other was talking about me, I wanted to run, I wanted to hide, I wanted to get as far away as possible before the torment started all over again. I saw Kacchan talking to someone in my class, one with yellow hair and a black hair marking, crap crap crap he is spreading rumors already no no no no no this cant happen all over again it just cant! I began breathing heavily and looking around the cafeteria frantically, why me why me why me. Should I try to move to another school? No dad wouldn't let me without a reason. Grin and bear it? I dont think I can do that for another few years. oooh I dont know what to do i dont know what to do! Suddenly I was dragged out of my thoughts by a tap on my shoulder. "Midoriya? Are you alright?" I heard a monotone voice say, I looked up to see Todoroki staring at me blankly "You were muttering to yourself and stressing out, you okay?" He asked sitting near me. Why did he care, didn't he realize I'm a freak? Maybe Kacchan hasn't told him yet? I could be safe for now I guess I can talk to him but only as acquaintances, best to not get too attached. "Oh! Y-yeah I'm fine I just have a bad muttering habit thats all!" I said smiling at him. He nodded and there was a bit of an awkward silence. Man of few words I see, okay I guess I'll have to start the conversation. "sooo, why are you sitting with me? I didn't expect company" I said shakily, still a bit nervous. Fudge that sounded like I wanted him to leave n o w h y.  He shrugged and said "I saw you sitting alone and you are the only person I have talked to, plus you are away from everyone else and I hate lots of people." He began taking his lunch out and then looked up at me "arent you going to eat?" he asked. "Oh, I-I'm not hungry at the moment!" I stuttered. He looked at me blankly How the heck does he keep his face all serious like that?? I can't tell what he's thinking, this isn't fair! Usually I can tell peoples emotions by their facial expressions but how can you read expressions when they arent there. Finally he said "If you don't eat, I don't eat." then he pushed his lunch box away. Why would he do that? Doesn't he realize in order to get energy you need to eat? He might run out of energy, what a ding dong like seriously who skips lu- o h w a i t im doing that- um now what do I do, I want him to eat but I'm not hungry, frick frick frick um uh "Why do you care if I eat? We just met didn't we? I'm not used to people caring.." I said mumbling the last part He looked me in the eyes, it was kind of intimidating but I liked his 2 different color eyes, they were unique and cool! "first of all, I care because it isnt good for you to go without food second, yes we did just meet but you seem like a good person and third people should care." He said using his fingers each time he answered a question. I was shocked he had heard the last part considering we were in a loud lunch room. I sighed "fine, I'll eat" I groaned, still not hungry though. I took a bite of my PB&J and Todoroki took a sip of his noodles. 

voila, next chapter d o n e have a good day/night guysss MAKE SURE TO SLEEP IF YOU ARE UP LATE AT NIGHT/REALLY EARLY IN THE MORNING >:(

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