Part 24

496 22 21

short intro


Midoriya POV

The next day school went by quite fast, I was so excited to get my hair cut I was fidgeting around the whole day and all I could talk about at lunch was getting my hair cut. Mid convorsation I realized how annoying it probably was to hear me ramble on and on so I stopped then ended with "Im just excited I guess" I bashfully rubbed the back of my neck and went silent. "Why'd you stop talking?" Sho asked then he took a bite of his food. I opened my mouth to speak then closed it again in hesitation. "Well I didnt want to bore you so I stopped the conversation" I said chuckling. I began talking about something else but Sho put hid hand up telling me to pause. "First of all it wasnt boring to hear you talk about something you like second of all please continue talking about your haircut it was enjoyable because you seemed happy" He said in a monotone voice. I smiled at him then happily continued to talk about it. Suddenly mid conversation there was a tap on my shoulder. I jumped then I turned to see who it was, it was Kirishima from my class. "Hey sorry to bother you but my friend here would like to tell you something." He said moving out of the way to reveal Kacchan. "K-kacchan??" I stuttered, shocked. He grumbled something quietly and I tilted my head in confusion. "Louder Bakubro" Kirishima whispered loudly to Kacchan. He growled a little louder but I still couldnt understand it. "Hm?" I said still confused. He sighed angrily then he snarled loudly "I SAID IM SORRY I GUESS FOR ACTING LIKE A DICK BEFORE, I WONT BULLY YOU ANYMORE. BUT THIS DOESNT MAKE US FRIENDS OR ANYTHING YOURE STILL A NERD" I was surprised then I smiled "Aww thanks Kacchan, I forgive you!" I said happily. "Now open your arms for a hug" Kirishima whispered. Kacchan swung his head to face him. "WHAT WHY" He whispered loudly. "DO IT OR WE CANT DATE" Kirishima whispered aggressively. Kacchan growled in anger then extended his arms. I looked at him then at Kirishima, Kirishima nodded saying I could hug him. "Wait so you arent going to kill me if I hug you?" I asked warily. Before Kacchan could respond Kirishima said "If he tries to hurt you then Ill be mad at him and he doesnt want that." I stood up then quickly hugged him. He hugged back very gently and I could tell he was uncomfortable but I didnt care, it felt like closure that he was done being mean to me. I quickly released the hug still in fear of death and smiled at both of them. "Thanks! This really made me feel better!" I said with the biggest smile on my face. "Tch, I didnt do it for you nerd but whatever" Kacchan said avoiding eye contact. Kirishima and Kacchan both left shortly after. "That was unexpected" Sho said also surprised Kirishima was able to make Kacchan apologize. "I know right? Never in a million years would I even think that Kacchan would apologize" I responded.

time skip to after s c h o o l

when school was let out it was around 4 so I just had to wait around an hour till the appointment. I was so excited I couldnt sit still, I went onto Pinterest (A/N I couldnt think of a different name sorry-)  to look at a few hairstyle ideas. Though I knew I wanted it short in general I wanted to see if there was anything specifically I could get. The time went by fast and suddenly I went from wishing it was 5 to checking the time and it being 4:48. "Bye Inko! Ill be back later!" I said walking out the door. "Hold on sweetie" Inko said walking up to me. "two things, one I want to take a before and after picture, second you know you can call me mom right? No need to call me Inko" I  nodded for the first part then the second part I thought about. I didnt even realize I was supposed to call her mom, Im just so used to not having a mom I guess it feels strange to call her mom. "Im sorry, It just feels strange to call you mom because Im used to not having one" I sighed scratching the back of my head. "Its fine, just remember you can call me mom whenever youre ready!" She said cheerfully. I nodded then headed out the door to meet Shoto at his house. It was actually pretty close to this hotel. When I got there I knocked on the door excitedly. Who answered the door was not Sho though, it was a tall man with a big beard who I could only assume was his father. I gulped nervously, "H-hello, Im here to see Shoto" I stuttered. He looked at me with a slightly angry face, I hated it it reminded me of my fathers mean face. "Shotos not here right now, good bye" The guy growled then slammed the door in my face. I shrugged, I was a bit too scared to knock at the door again and maybe he was already at the hair place there was a possibility he went there to meet me. I was about to leave when I heard the door open behind me and when I turned to see who it was I still didnt recognize them. It was a girl with white hair and red streaks in it, she gave me a friendly smile then said "Hi, you must be Shotos friend! Sorry about my dad, he can be quite rude. Shotos in his room so I can go get him for you" I smiled back. "Ah yes thank you very much, I assume your a sibling of his?" I said bowing to thank her. She nodded "Mhm! Im his sister Fuyumi! I didnt know Shotos friend was a girl he always talks about you but he made it sound like you were a guy, youre Midoriya right?" I winced a bit then responded "Actually I identify as a male though I was born female and yes Im MIdoriya." Fuyumi slapped her hand over her mouth lightly. "My mistake! I should have asked for your pronouns first Im deeply sorry I just assumed because of the long hair that you identified as a female! Again Im very sorry Midoriya!" Fuyumi said bowing in apology. "Its fine really! Speaking of pronouns what are yours?" I asked politely. "Mine? They are she/they, what about yours?" She replied kindly. "Mine are he/him or he/they, either work for me" I said happily smiling at her. "Oh right! You came to see Shoto! Sorry I got distracted! Anyways Ill go get him, Ill be right back." I nodded then waited patiently at the doorway. 


end of chapterr hope you have a good day/night!

also if posts slow down im sorry- my cousin is visiting and my sister and her keep hogging the computer I am writing on for roblox- 

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