Part 11

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Midoriya POV
I woke up confused. Where was I again? I forgot- I sat up rubbing my eyes then looking around. I saw a clock that said it was 10:26 am, DID I FALL ASLEEP AT TODOROKIS?? OH GOD NO MY DAD IS GOING TO KILL ME! CRAP CRAP CRAP. WHAT DO I DO WHAT DO I DO. I frantically looked around for my stuff then grabbed my bag (A/N I have the hiccups, sorry for random input anyways continue) I grabbed a pencil from my bag then a piece of paper and wrote 'Sorry I left before you woke up, I realized my dad wouldnt know where I was and was probably getting worried. See you later! signed Midoriya' then I left it on the counter and dashed out the door. Please let him be sleeping, please say he didnt notice me missing!

Todoroki POV

(sorry for short Midoriya POV)

When I woke up Midoriya was unfortunately gone, at first I was worried but then when I looked around I realized his note on the counter. That stinks we could have finished our project real quick. (A/N ONE DAY I KNOW THAT YOU WILL BE THERE ONE DAY ILL FOCUS ON THE FUTURE BABY- SOrYy I had to vibe in one day for a second) I sighed then was about to just go scroll through my phone when I remembered Midoriyas hoodie, I wonder if he remembered to grab it before he left. I went into the laundry room to check and sure enough, he had forgotten it. I grabbed it and began heading out I looked over at the clock and noticed it was 11:28. I began walking to Midoriyas house (A/N rq, todoroki knows where midoriyas house is but he has never been inside because Midoriya doesnt want to run into his dad while with todoroki anyways continue), once I arrived I realized I had never been inside his house, we have only walked here together to drop his stuff off, we never stay for long and he always tells me to wait outside. I shrug the thought off then when I was about to knock on the door I heard a slam against the door. I put my ear to the door to listen in, as much as I didnt want to snoop I wanted to make sure everything was okay. "Where were you all night young lady? I never gave you permission to go anywhere what makes you think you can do whatever you want?!" I heard a man snarl on the other side. I was mad that the guy had mis-gendered Midoriya but instead of butting in I continued to listen. "S-sorry, I was doing homework with someone" I heard Midoriyas timid voice on the other side of the door. I heard another slam against the door, had this man just slammed Midoriya against the door twice?? Whats going on?! "Next time dont stay out for the whole fuckin night dumbass" The man growled. Midoriya was silent I could hear him breathing heavily though. "Now get up you weakling, if you cant handle a few kicks to the chest you are weaker than I thought." The man grunted. The audacity this man had to say things like that and hurt Midoriya! What the fuck! I have to do something about this but what? I finally decided to knock on the door to see what would happen, I pretended to have heard nothing and acted as normal as I could. The man opened the door not Midoriya, Midoriya was right behind him and when he saw me a scared and shocked look grew on his face. He fidgeted and looked all around nervously, he was like a completely different person around this guy which I assumed was his father. Son of a bitch. "Hello there, who might you be?" The man said as though he didnt just kick his son against a wall. What a jackass. "I came to give this to Midoriya, he left it at my house after we did our homework on accident." I said emphasizing the he. The guy grabbed it from me and handed it to Midoriya. "Thanks Im sure she appreciates you bringing it back to her" He said emphasizing the she and her, I really wanted to kick this guy in the balls. "No problem, can he come out at the moment?" I asked hoping to get him out of the house to talk to him. "Sorry we are busy right now so she cant come out right now, have a good day" he responded I looked over to Midoriya and he put his hand up and made a fist with his thumb in it. I feel like I recognize the hand sign but I wasnt sure, I would have to look into it later. I nodded then responded "Have a good day madam" He looked confused "Excuse me but Im a sir" he scoffed. "And Midoriya is a he yet you decide to ignore that, I choose to ignore your pronouns just as you decide to ignore Midoriyas" I said turning to leave. The guy didnt respond instead slammed the door. I need to find out a way to help Midoriya and get him out of that toxic household. I know just where to start. I went over to one of their neighbors and knocked on the door, maybe starting a rumor about it will make them more observant.


have a good day/night!

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