Part 15

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short i n t r o 

but rq there be some violence in this chapter


Todoroki POV

I watched as some cops went around the back with a tranquilizer gun, I hoped and prayed they could successfully tranquilize him so Midoriya would be safe. The cops in the front acted as normally as possible and attempted to distract him. I saw the guy come up behind him and creep up on him as quietly as possible, he laid down to stay hidden-ish in case he looked over and aimed but suddenly when he was about to shoot his dad swung around and stomped on top of the guy. He dropped the knife and grabbed Midoriya by the neck and held him tightly against himself. He grabbed the tranquillizer gun and ran into his backyard with it, the cops didnt want him to choke him to death if they approached him back there so they began strategizing. Meanwhile Midoriya was in danger, it was almost as if they had forgotten about Midoriya, they were talking about how they would capture his father instead of how to make sure Midoriya was safe. I snuck to the side of the house just enough to see Midoriyas father who was pacing and contemplating what to do, as he did this he still had Midoriya in a choke hold and it was obvious it was hurting Midoriya. I looked around and noticed it wasnt lit very well back here, I might be able to catch him by surprise if Im fast enough. I was thinking when I watched him look down at Midoriya who was distraught and struggling and squeezed his neck tighter "You told someone didnt ya, you got me into this fucking mess you worthless piece of garbage" He snarled. As he watched him struggle he smiled evilly. I couldnt take it anymore, I ran up to him as fast as I could and then lunged. I didnt want to hurt Midoriya more so I lunged for his feet knocking him off balance. He tumbled to the ground Midoriya still in his grasps, his grip loosened however just enough for Midoriya to wriggle free. As soon as he was free I scooped him up without thinking then brought him a little ways away from him to check on him. "Are you okay? Your neck feel alright? Can you breathe okay??" I asked quickly hoping everything was okay. He seemed shocked and was still having a bit of a hard time breathing but he responded with "Yes Im fine, we should get out of here before my dad gets up" He said breathlessly. I nodded then just as I was about to scoop him up and run I felt his father grip my shoulder so I let go of Midoriya assuming his father would pull me backwards which was exactly what he did. He then turned me around to look me in the eyes and said " What the fuck do you think youre doing kid?! The nerve you have to come show your face around me again and butt into my business!" He shouted at me. I kept my composure as much as I could and said "You were hurting my friend, why wouldnt I come dumbass" His face expressed immense anger and he slammed my face into the ground. It hurt. A lot. But all I could think about was if Midoriya had left, I really hope he did because I dont want him getting hurt. I felt blood drip down my nose and I tried to break free of Midoriyas fathers clutches but he had iron grip on me. His father proceeded to punch me in the gut, face and then kicked my shins. It hurt but I still couldnt stop worrying about Midoriya. "Why would you abuse your son. I want answers." I murmured quivering in anger. I knew it would be my only opportunity to ask before he was locked up. He gave me a sour look then growled "Because the kids a fucking trans person! That isnt normal and she should be happy with her gender. Shes a freak!" This time my face was the angry one. "Hold the phone, you abuse your SON because of something he cant control?! What the fuck, what kind of father are you!? You should support your son but instead you have given him trauma and hatred! What kind of father does that?!" (A/N your father does that Todo-) I growled back at him. His father hesitated taking in the fact that I had spoken back to him and instead of answering me he punched me in the gut again. "DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO CHILD, MY DAUGHTER IS A MISTAKE, A FREAK OF NATURE AND WONT ACCEPT THE FACT THAT SHE IS IN FACT A GIRL NOT A BOY. FREAKS DONT DESERVE TO BE TREATED FAIRLY" he yelled. Suddenly Midoriyas father toppled over, Midoriyas doing?? This time he didnt loosen his grip though so I couldnt wiggle away. I saw Midoriya jump right on top of his dads face and stomping on it. "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET TRANSPHOBE" He exclaimed a little shakily. I was quite impressed and proud. (A/N todoroki: *proud boyfriend noises*) I wiggled away finally and Midoriya and I ran away from him. We panted not because we were tired but because we were terrified. "Are you okay??" Midoriya exclaimed. "Yes yes Im fine now we should really get away before your father gets us" I said seeing him get up behind Midoriya. He began running towards us and we began running away. For an old man he was very fast though, most likely running on pure adrenaline. He was gaining on us and we were terrified. I spun around and stopped running to catch him off guard as Midoriya kept going not realizing immediately that I had stopped. This startled his father causing him to stumble on top of me. He was really heavy and he knocked the air out of me and made it hard to breathe. I struggled to get out from under him He grasped onto me so I couldnt go and I didnt know how to get out of his clutches. Midoriya suddenly came back and extended his hand "grab on!" He shouted in a panic. I looked at his hand, it looked so soft and gentle. I wanted to grab his hand but part of me was embarrassed about it for some reason, I felt my face go a bit red then I grabbed his hand, it was soft like I expected. (A/N Todoroki has a hand fetish confirmed? /j) He tried to pull me out of his dads grasps but he wouldnt let go. "If I let you go you will go report me to the fucking police, without a hostage I have no leverage please give me mercy, I love you so much and I dont want to go to jail and leave you" Midoriyas father said in a sad voice. The fool was obviously faking his sadness about leaving Midoriya behind, I just hoped Midoriya could tell too. I looked up to see Midoriyas face and saw absolutely no sympathy for his father what so ever, I was glad he didnt fall for his ploy. I looked back at his father and I could tell he realized playing nice wouldnt help "Why did you come to help her anyways?! Who would care about a freak like her anyways?? You should ditch her and find normal friends!" He shouted in a desperate attempt to get me onto his side. "No I dont think I will get new friend because I dont want and new friends, I just want him" I said trying to keep my composure. "Just let her go already! She isnt worth it! Why did you come to save her?!" He shouted again. I couldnt take him insulting Midoriya any longer. "I will not let him go! He is worth everything, and I came to save him because I love him you dumbass!!" I yelled as loud as I could. I slapped my other hand over my mouth realizing I had said the last part out loud, Midoriya stopped trying to pull me away for a second I assumed out of shock then quickly kept trying to help me. "Oh so she is trans and technically gay if she considers herself a boy?? even worse. You disgust me, both of you." He said sternly as he gave me the stink eye. "I dont need your approval you ding bat." I growled at him poking him in the eyes with my free hand. He let go of me and Midoriya toppled over from pulling me, and yanked me upwards though we both fell back down in the end. I accidentally knocked the wind out of Midoriya as we both fell and I could hear him struggling to breathe, so without thinking I scooped him up again somewhat cradling him and began running to the front of his house where the police were. They were all shocked to see us both and they ran past us once we told them where Midoriyas father was. We saw them load him into the police car as he made an angry face at us once more. "U-um, you can put me down n-now" Midoriya stuttered as he grew red in the face. I myself went a bit red out of embarrassment. "s-sorry" I said as I placed him carefully onto the ground. "Are you okay?" I asked trying to examine him just by looking at him. He nodded then said "But you look beat up, we should get you to a docter to be checked out!" He sounded concerned and then paused he looked away from me and asked "Question, did you mean it when you said you... loved me?" He looked back up at me with puppy eyes, how could anyone not love his adorable face?? "Of course I meant it, why wouldnt I??" I asked gently grabbing his chin to face his face towards me. His face became all red and he stuttered "B-but why? Im not special..." He grabbed his opposite and and sort of fidgeted around. "Because youre, you." I said smiling at him. I hoped it didnt look funny I havent smiled in forever. "Youre smile is pretty, why dont you smile more?" Midoriya said then slapped his hand over his mouth and shouted quickly "IM SORRY THAT WAS SO RANDOM IM SO SO SORRY IT WAS AN ACCIDENT I DIDNT MEAN-" I cut him off by gently raising my finger to his mouth. "Its fine Midoriya, Ill take your suggestion into consideration" I said playfully. Suddenly a wave of dizziness fell over me and I began becoming unsteady on my feet. "Whats wrong??" Midoriya said in a panicked voice. I think my adrenaline wore out, now there is nothing keeping me to stay conscious, I knew those blows from Midoriyas father would come back to bite me. "I-im fine just dizzy" I stuttered. I couldnt help myself, I toppled into Midoriyas arms which I didnt mind obviously, and passed out. 


thats all for now folks, have a good day/night!!

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