Part 14

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lets just skip the intro and get right into the chapter shall we?


Midoriya POV

I was about to leave to go do homework with Todoroki when my dad walked in and told me to go to my room, he said he wouldnt risk me tattling and shoved me into my room. I sighed but at this point I was used to him telling me not to do anything involving other people because "Im a tattle tail" but what he doesnt realize is that I am much too scared to disobey him. I didnt know what to do because my phone was on the kitchen counter and my dad was in the kitchen, I dont want to provoke him so I guess Ill just draw for the time being.

Time skip to when the cops showed up

Im just chilling in my room as I draw at the moment, suddenly there is a knock at the door, Todoroki? I got out of my room to go check but my dad was already there and it wasnt Todoroki, it was the cops?? Huh? What were they doing here?? I overheard them talking about him being abusive, crap hes going to think I snitched. They asked if they could search the house and he slammed it in their face and grabbed a big knife, I backed away in fear. Was I about to witness my own father murder police officers?!! To my surprise he walked towards me? I got nervous and didnt know what to do. I heard the police officers banging on the door in the background telling my dad if he didnt open the door they would come in themselves. His eyes were filled with fear, he knew he would be busted and in a panic he grabbed me and put the knife to my neck. "IF YOU COME IN ILL KILL THE KID" he shouted in a panic. The cops opened the door to see what was going on and as soon as they saw him with the knife to my neck they backed away. When they asked for his demands he said he wanted to not go to prison for abusing me. The cops obviously couldnt and my dad knew that, I assumed he was running on adrenaline or something so his demands were impossible. He had to have known there was no way the police could turn a blind eye to his crimes. The cops and him went back and fourth for a long time then there was a stand still where we all just stood in silence, the police were thinking about what to do and the news had gotten here to report the newest case I guess. I tried to not be scared because the police are here and Im sure they have a plan... right? Who am I kidding this is pretty much impossible for them, what are they supposed to do? Suddenly I see TODOROKI?!? WHATS HE DOING HERE HE COULD GET HURT! I watched as the cops kept telling Todoroki to leave but he stayed right there. A lady came up to him and they seemed to have a full conversation. He went around back, I hoped he could find the back door though Im not sure it is unlocked. I wanted to help with the situation but I was the reason the cops had to hesitate, why did I have to get fucking caught why am I such an idiot, if I had stayed in my room I could have locked the door or something so I wouldnt become the victim, this is all my fault.
End of le chapter, hope you guys enjoyeddd hab a good day/night!
Also is it normal to not be tired after pulling an all nighter-? Asking for a friend heheh

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