Part 6

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ello there guys hope you enjoy this chapterrr :D


Midoriya POV 

(the week after the first day of school, this is the next week m o n d a y)

I was and still am quite shocked Todoroki didn't mind I'm trans like wha? From all of my experience its usually either people telling me to accept the fact I'm a girl or that I look better as a girl, not people respecting my pronouns and acknowledging what I say. It still feels like I'm dreaming after a week of knowing Todoroki and my whole class in fact. Even the teacher respects my pronouns! The only ones that don't support are this purple haired midget (A/N sorry if there are any Mineta stans but Bakugo couldn't be the only homophobe) and of course Kacchan. While I was deep into my thoughts I didnt even realize that I was going to be late if I didn't hussle up. I shoved a hoodie into my backpack and some shorts then when I was about to put on my binder I made the horrible discovery that it was freaking gone. fudge fudge fudge fudge fudge fudge fudge. no this cant be happening where could it be did I lose it? No way I did I love that thing. The only thing that could have happened would be my dad found it and took it nonononono heck heck heck. I paced around for a few seconds realizing I still needed to go to school. I peeked into the hallway to see if my dad was awake yet which he wasnt. I was tempted to sneak into his room and attempt to grab it but I didn't even know where he would hide it! Do I have to wear a bra for the first time in forever?? (A/N FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVERRRRRR I have got to stop-) I hate it here. I sighed and got changed without my binder. Fudge. I ran out the door and decided to walk to school today. I dont want the 2 pervs on my bus to mention me not wearing my binder. On my way to school I bumped into Todoroki surprisingly, I guess we didn't live very far apart. I tried to keep my chin up and not look so down but it was hard when I really wanted to cry. I look even more feminine without my binder I hate this. I decided to grab my hoodie out of my backpack to cover up my.. girl chest things and curves. I couldn't change into my shorts yet but I would in the bathroom when we got to school. Todoroki waited as I put on my hoodie then we continued walking and talking. 


sorry for le short chapter but yuh

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