Part 10

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abba abba weee beepboop


Todoroki POV

(this chapter is set on Friday, sorry if a past chapter said otherwise-)

I opened the door to Midoriya with blood dripping down his nose and blood all over his sleeves, what am I going to do with this clumsy boy. I was quite shocked, what had happened? "hi Todoroki, how are you?" he said as though nothing had happened to him even though it was clear something had happened. "Good but what the heck happened to you? Are you alright?" I asked worried about what had happened to him. He hesitated then answered, "I just tripped onto my face on the way here thats all!" He did his usual half real smile then shrugged. I knew that wasnt the case but when I was about to question he changed the subject "Anyways we should start working so we can get as much work done as possible!" I motioned him to come inside then I walked into the kitchen to grab a paper towel for his nose. I turned to hand it to him but he was using his sleeve again, "You can use this instead" I said handing him a few paper towels. "Thanks" he said avoiding eye contact in embarrassment. I noticed all of the blood on his sleeves "While we are working we should put your hoodie in the wash, you can use one of mine while its in there" I said as we gather our supplies before we began to work. Midoriya hesitated then nodded warily. I guess he like to hide in his hoodie, not that that is a bad thing its just I didnt realize its like his comfort blanket I guess. I brought him upstairs to my room and handed him a hoodie with a cactus in the middle, it was all green besides the one white stripe on each sleeve. I thought it would suit Midoriya well plus it was getting too small for me and Im sure it would fit Midoriya just fine. "You can keep that" I said tossing him the hoodie, he didnt catch it but fumbled it on accident as usual. "Huh? No no no I dont need to keep it-" He began before I cut him off by saying "Its fine I was going to give it away or something anyways, it doesnt really fit me anymore" I said motioning for him to follow me to the bathroom. The hoodie was quite big on him, it was pretty adorable honestly. (A/N Todoroki your gay is showing) I shook that though away as soon as I thought it, this bean is straight what am I thinking. Once his hoodie was in the wash we began working on our project.

le saut de temps

After hours of working on our project we had gotten relatively far, I bet we could finish it before school on Monday if we work on it all day saturday, well more like half of saturday. When we decided to be done for the night Midoriya was practically asleep, he looked so tired. "Do you want to spend the night? You seem very tired" I offered chuckling a bit. He just nodded with his eyes closed. "I can go upstairs and grab you a blanket, you can sleep on the couch if thats okay" i said pointing to the living room couch. He nodded again and drowsily sat up as he rubbed his eyes. I slightly smiled for the first time in (A/N Im debating if I should finish, I have made one too many frozen references-) a while. It was a real smile this time though. I grabbed a blanket then when I got back down Midoriya was passed out on the couch, how cute is he. I felt like I was about to melt, how can a single human being be so adorable?? I tucked him in then went to sleep on the near-by couch. "Good night Midoriya" I whispered as I myself drifted off to sleep.


hab a gppd day/night

im going to go to sleep now thanl uyou very much

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