Part 17

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time skip to the next day, someone comes to visit


Todoroki POV

Midoriya and I talked all night and unintentionally pulled an all nighter, I was surprised in Midoriya honestly. He acted as though he had pulled many all nighters before, I havent done many myself though because I love sleep. We ended up agreeing to date because look at how cute of a gay couple we could make come on! I didnt think an amazing boy like Midoriya could love someone like me but here we are, somehow dating. It was around 12 am when a nurse walked in saying "We have a visitor for Izumi Midoriya" Midoriya winced at his dead name. "Its izuku" I sighed, The nurse bowed in apology and nodded. "thanks" Midoriya smiled. Who could be visiting him? Not that no one loves him! I just mean I thought he had no other relatives other than his father and he isnt in the hospital anymore as in isnt a patient so- wait why am I contradicting myself I didnt even say that out loud- anyways- A woman walked in, she was short and slightly chubby no offense to her, and had green hair. Midoriya looked at her in confusion. "Im sorry, who are you?" He asked tilting his head. Tears welled up in the ladys eyes and she ran over and hugged Midoriya tightly. Midoriya was a bit on edge and confused. "Im so sorry for that, it was quite random" The lady said backing away and wiping some of her tears. She looked at Midoriya and seemed slightly confused "you are Izumi Midoriya right?" She asked with a waver in her voice. "W-well the thing is I was Izumi Midoriya now I go by Izuku Midoriya" Midoriya said awkwardly. The womans eyes widened and more tears welled in her eyes. "Im so sorry! I assumed you identified as a girl still! What are your pronouns?!" She responded hastily bowing in apology. "I go be he/him thanks for asking" Midoriya responded still confused but happy she wasnt a transphobe, "Question, who are you?" Midoriya asked scratching the back of his head nervously. "Oh! Im so sorry I didnt introduce myself, I am Inko Midoriya, your mother." Midoriya froze, taking in this new information. "Really?" He asked flabbergasted. She nodded as more tears pouring down her cheeks. "B-but dad said you were dead!" Midoriya stuttered. "I can explain everything" She sighed shakily. Midoriya suddenly darted over to her and hugged her tightly. It made me happy he had someone to go to after this whole ordeal, it also meant he could live with her while his dad was in prison so thats good. "Youre really my mom???" Midoriya asked around 3 times before realizing it was true, how adorable. After they talked for a few minutes Midoriya asked "So how come you werent there when I grew up?" she frowned, "well you see, when I got pregnant with you your dad was furious. He wanted to abort you but I wouldnt let him. So he got a divorce while I was pregnant with you then won the rights to you in court when you were born. The reason I let him take you was because I wasnt able to financially support you on my own, you would have grown up with close to nothing. After he got you he told me to move away so I wouldnt be involved in  your life and of course I had to because he threatened to make me take you and again I wanted you to grow up with everything you needed. So he paid for me to fly out to a different state. I had no idea how horrible he would be to you though! Otherwise I promise I would have taken you!" She said beginning to cry again. I couldnt imagine having to leave your child with your significant other then them telling you not to be involved in its life? Thats just cold. "Im here because since your dad is going to prison, I will be taking you with me to my home" She finished sniffling as she wiped the last of her tears away. Midoriya froze and asked "Wait, so I have to move? We cant stay here??" Wait a second I didnt even think about that, will he have to move?! I really hope not! "Well probably, I still dont have too much money so I dont know if I can afford to move over here, Im sorry" She sighed. "Cant we just live in dads old house or is that not an option?" Midoriya asked. "Well maybe we could but Im not sure we would have to ask the police department." Midoriya nodded sadly. I really hope he doesnt have to move, we just got together! "do you have friends here you want to stay for?" Inko asked. "W-well not too many but I have Todoroki" He stuttered motioning to me. She nodded then said "Ill try my best to stay here, okay?" "Okay" Midoriya responded a bit less sad. Seeing Midoriya and his mother reunite reminded me of my family, did they not care I was in the hospital? granted I would be released later today but still, I dont blame my mom for not coming because she literally cant and I dont like my dad so im glad he didnt come he doesnt pay attention to me at all he only paid attention when mom burned me then he sent her away. She was great though and it was his fault she did what she did not hers. my siblings werent here though which was slightly upsetting but they were probably too busy or my dad didnt bother to tell them. Midoriya and his mom ended up going out to spend time together until I was able to be released later that day around 5 pm. They came to pick me up and drop me off at my house


sorry this chapter is c r a p p y 

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