Part 19

636 29 24

so like idk if I said a day it was earlier but u m lets say its Sunday ig? idk man-

also if you dont understand in this instead of endeavor being an abusive father he is a neglective father. He essentially ignores all of his kids and doesnt talk to any of them. Though he has gotten very mad at them before for stupid reasons either when drunk or just in general.


Todoroki POV

Poor Izuku was so tired that he fell right asleep after he settled down, he looked tired when he looked up at me so I assume he didnt really sleep last night either. When he was asleep his face appeared so calm and at ease, which made me want to peacefully sleep along side him, but it was around 7 am and people were bound to start coming out of their houses for work and stuff soon. (A/N Todoroki forgot it was sunday and thought it was monday) I thought about where to bring him, my dad was home and I wasnt sure how he would react to Izu if he saw him in my arms. But I wasnt sure where Him and his mother were staying so I would probably have to take him with me. I carefully stood up making sure not to awake Izu then slowly picked him up cradling him in my arms carefully. I began walking towards my house, getting a few glances at me some kind some were more of glares. I was casually walking with him and a random guy walks over to me and says "Thats kinda gay bro" I couldnt tell if he was trying to be rude or not but I responded "Damn right it is" And continued walking as though nothing had happened. Im glad that the guy I had just passed had seen Izu as  male, that made me feel happy. As I was thinking of that I suddenly realized that Izus hair was still long. I wonder if he would want to go out later today to get it cut, Im sure that would make him feel better about himself. When we finally arrived to my house I looked in the driveway and sure enough my fathers car was there. Fuck, lets hope he is asleep or in his room or whatever. I walked into my house and so far the coast was clear, I didnt bother to take off my shoes and walked straight upstairs towards my room. Unfortunately my father walked out of his room just as I was heading into mine, wow perfect timing. I thought sarcastically. "What the fuck, who are you with Shoto?" He grumbled. "I am with a friend who happened to fall asleep with me near them so I thought I would take him to my room to rest" I said as calmly as I could muster, usually I wouldnt have answered his question or have given him some sort of sass but I didnt want him to blow up near Izuku otherwise it could give him flashbacks of his dad if he woke up. He looked at him intensely then growled "Shoto, why are you bringing a girl into your room while she is sleeping? Doesnt that seem highly inappropriate?!" I lighted one eyebrow at him "He identifies as a male first of all second you shouldnt sexualize males and females hanging out, you wouldnt have a second thought if I brought a boy over huh?" I asked still trying my best not to stir his anger. "Thats a she if I have ever seen one, also kids are dumb how am I supposed to know your intentions??" Endeavor murmured angrily. "He is a boy thank you very much, and my intentions are to bring him into my room to continue resting until he is all rested up" I sighed attempting to walk past him. As I was walking towards my room door Endeavor grabbed my shirt collar which caught me off guard but I was careful to not move Izuku much as to not wake him. "You know what, Im not going to argue with you but I know that is a girl, if there is any funny business that goes on in your room I will be giving you a stern talking to young man" He snarled. I rolled my eyes "Okay okay sure" I say waiting for him to let go of my collar. Unfortunately this bitch decided to pull on my collar harder resulting in me falling backwards. I tried to be sure not to move Izu but that was impossible and of course we both fell backwards. I turned to face my old man who was walking away ignoring what he had just done. I hope youre proud of yourself for that childish stunt mother fucker. I thought angrily, luckily Izuku was still asleep and he had merely shuffled a bit. He was really out damn I guess he was really tired after that panic attack which was a good thing otherwise he would have met Endeavor which I really dont want to happen. I carefully got up and brought Izu into my room laying him carefully onto my bed. The only thing is I didnt think about what I would do as he was sleeping, as tempted as I was to cuddle along side Izuku I didnt want to without permission (A/N Another reminder that consent is hot) So I decided to scroll on my phone until he woke up and I totally didnt take a picture of him or two nosirr. 


I accidentally posted this chapter without the last bit and the this part

anyways have a good day/night!

Am I Normal...? ♥A tododeku story♥Where stories live. Discover now