Part 22

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hello my lil beans :D I hope you enjoy this chapterr  


Midoriya POV

I awoke to something I should have expected, I woke up and heard Shoto talking to someone and it was Momo (A/N I dont feel like writing out her last name because spelling go brr so from now on they just call her momo, deal with it =>=) I was about to say hi when suddenly Shoto and her were kissing?! No no no this cant be happening I thought Shoto and I had something going I cant believe he would do this to me. I did the cliché thing everyone does in this situation, I ran. I ran and ran until I reached the girls bathroom, as much as I would like to go to the boys bathroom Todoroki would 100% follow me into there maybe he wouldnt follow me to the girls restroom. I went into an empty stall and sat on the toilet with the cover down, I looked down onto my feet and began to tear up. Why would he do this to me? Did he really like Momo more this whole time?? Maybe he was just toying with me for fun, I knew there was no way he actually liked me hes just too perfect and Im a mess. I couldnt help but cry, I sobbed into the clothes I had lent from Todoroki, I wanted to get rid of them they werent very comforting anymore... I sniffled as I pitifully looked down towards the floor. What is wrong with me? Just then I heard someone burst into the bathroom, I picked up my feet and brought them in front of me so they were out of view from the outside of the stall. I sniffled as quietly as I could and tried to stop crying. "Hello? Izu are you in here?" I heard Todoroki say. I ignored him, I wasnt in the mood to talk to him at the moment. He began talking again "Its a shame he isnt here but if he were here I would tell him that Momo pulled me into a kiss without my consent and I just finished telling her off before I came to look for him." I dont know how I can believe him when he could just be lying, how would I be able to believe him. "I wish I could find him so I could tell him that I love him" Todoroki sighed. I thought for a second, how could I trust him? What if hes lying? Maybe he's just toying with me... I shook my head to get those thoughts away, no I have this feeling that he isnt lying, but on the other hand what if he is lying and actually likes Momo more than me. I sniffled again then thought about the fact that I knew him before Momo did and hes never given me any reason to not trust him and Momo was pretty rude at first, but then she was being nice to me? Well now that I think about it I guess she did appear to enjoy talking to Todoroki much more and all she would talk about with me was about Todoroki so I guess it would make sense that she was just using me to get closer to him and I trust Sho so- I was cut off mid thought by Sho chuckling. I was confused "I can hear you mumbling Izu- I mean I hear someone mumbling" I slapped my hand over my mouth, WAS I REALLY SAYING THAT WHOLE THING OUT LOUD?? CRAP THATS EMBARASSING. I decided after a few moments of silence to unlock the stall door and come out. I still had a few tears on my face and when Sho saw me sadness filled his face. He walked over to me and extended his hand towards my cheek, I impulsively flinched because I was used to being slapped in the cheek all the time. When I did this Sho backed his hand away and apologized. "N-no its fine, go ahead I just wasnt expecting it." I stuttered rubbing the back of my neck nervously. He placed his soft hand onto my cheek gently and looked me in the eyes. "Izu, it breaks my heart to see you so upset and Im sorry you thought I was cheating on you, or if you think I am cheating on you but I want you to know I do love you with all my heart and I never meant to hurt you I swear." Sho said in a soft tone. My eyes kept darting around, anything to avoid eye contact, dunno why its so intimidating to me (A/N Epic kinnie moment, eye contact is so hard for what 😩🤚) "I believe you, I d-dont think you would c-cheat on me" I said slightly stuttering. "He smiled at me warmly then wiped a tear off of my face. "I love you very much Izu and I want you to always remember I have your best intention in mind at all times" Sho said kindly. I smiled at him And began tearing up again this time out of happiness, I hugged him tightly I didnt want to let go I just kept hugging tighter as I breathed in his nice scent. 


end of chapterrr

adio my lil beans I hope you have a good day/night!

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