Part 8

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hello there :3 hope you guys are doing well and I hope you enjoy this chapter! :D



Midoriya POV

Even though Todoroki and I are... friends I still don't get why he would choose to partner up with me, I'm not even that smart and I barely understood the instructions to the assignment! I was snapped back to reality by my teacher tapping me on the head "pay attention during class Midoriya." He grumbled then continued his lesson. Well that was embarrassing. Now everyone was looking at me, can't they look at the teacher or something?? "Psst" I heard a voice from behind me whispering. I turned to see a girl with medium length brown hair whispering to me. "Hi I'm Uraraka, I heard you are trans?" She whispered to me. Should I tell her or say it was a rumor? I thought for one second then decided there was no use fighting it "Hi and yes I am why do you ask?" I whispered back. Her eyes lit up and she smiled a bit "Thats so cool! I've never met anyone who was trans before!" she whispered excitedly. Well its better she fan girl then she bully me over it I guess. Suddenly there was another tap on my head this time a bit more aggressive. I looked up to see that it was Mr. Aizawa again tapping my head and Uraraka's "What did I say about paying attention" He grumbled again. I turned back around and continued listening to class. 

Time skip to lunch time

Todoroki and I walked down to the lunch room together as usual but when we got there the spot we usually sit in on the floor was invaded by kids in our class? Almost everyone but a few people were there. We walked over and the people looked excited, "Hello?" Todoroki said sounding very confused, I was confused as well why was our spot being taken over? People waved then Uraraka jumped up out of the people there and said "Hi! We came to introduce ourselves to Midoriya and ask a few questions about himself" People behind her nodded. Wha? Why do they want to ask questions and about what? Everyone began walking over and asking me questions like "whats it like being trans? What are your pronouns? How did you know you were trans" and so on. I answered all of them as well as I could but it was weird to get so much positive attention. Everyone in my class was supportive besides Kacchan, this purple haired kid, and the girl with the ponytail. The rest of the day was good and ponytail girl came up to me to apologize at the end of the day, she said her name was Momo. Today was a great day! 

Momo POV (A/N sorry Momo stans) 

I cant believe Todoroki chose that girl over me! Usually everyone wants to partner up with me! I am the smartest in the class after all! I was furious, someone as handsome as Todoroki shouldn't be hanging out with such a strange girl. I thought for the entire day until I came up with a solution. I would be-friend this Midoriya girl (A/N I really want to punch my fanfic Momo rn bgvfds) then I would use her to figure out more about Todoroki, then I would slowly ditch her and begin hanging out with Todoroki! Its the perfect plan! 


sorry for the short chapterr

hope you enjoyed have a good day/night!

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