[Stris] Yours All Along (post 4x18)

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"Almost like how I was meant to be yours all along."


Jim Street was not expecting any visitors the night before being admitted to the hospital for transplant surgery. And he certainly was not expecting Chris to stop by; their goodbye in the locker room had felt like a goodbye for now deal.

He was sitting in his and Luca's shared living room, thinking over the events of that evening's locker room talk and just about him and Chris in general. He knew they'd make it work, just like she had said, but he hated that at least one of them would be losing out on the career end to make their relationship happen.

And that's when a knock came.

To say Street was surprised to see Chris at his door was an understatement. And what she had to say next would stun him even more.

"I figured it out," Chris said as she walked straight past him into the house, she knew so well.

Jim shook his head, slightly confused.

"Figured what out," he asked.

"I figured us out. I figured out how to make us work."

Chris had a strange look of worry and happiness on her face.

"Okay," Jim said as more of a question. "Go on."

"You may want to sit down for this," Chris said, motioning towards the couch.

Jim sat down and scrunched his eyebrows, wondering what she could possibly say that would have her so bothered.

Chris drew in a deep breath.

"Marry me." 

That was all she said at first.

"I know that sounds crazy," she started again. "But let me explain. SWAT, nor the LAPD for that matter, does not have a policy for or against married couples. So it would be up to Hondo, Hicks, and Lynch to decide what to do with us."

She took his hands in hers.

"If you marry me tomorrow morning, Jim, I can stay for a few weeks until you're recovered from surgery. TLI has a family emergency clause; I could stay with you and face no penalty. I would be here in case something happens or just to be here for you because I love you. I can't bear the thought of being halfway across the world while you're having surgery."

He was stunned, to say the least. Jim had never expected Chris to ask him to marry her, much less mere hours after agreeing to give their relationship a shot.

"Are you sure, Chris," Jim asked? "You want to marry me? You want to spend forever with me? Because once we say those vows and sign those papers, we're together for life. I will not divorce you because I do want forever with you."

She looked at him with the most sincere smile he had ever seen.

"I'm sure," Chris said. "I've been sure for years, and I just didn't know it."

He pulled her into a soft and short kiss.

"Okay then," Jim said. "What's the plan? How are we going to pull this off?"

They were both smiling now.

"I called in a favor with a friend at the courthouse. We have an 8am appointment to pick up our marriage license. We'll go pick up rings on our way to my cousin Tomas,' and he'll have us married and our license turned in before lunch."

Chris waited a moment before starting again.

"The only other thing is, do you want to tell anyone beforehand? We have to tell at least someone because we need a witness. My uncle can't come, Tan and Bonnie are on their honeymoon, and Deacon has the kids out of town."

"I guess that leaves Luca- if he can make it before his flight- and Hondo," Jim said flatly.

"This one's up to you," Chris said. "We have to have someone. Plus, they're going to know. As soon as we sign the papers, I have to call Hicks to get my emergency leave."

"I feel like not asking Luca is a slap in the face and not telling Hondo is disrespectful," Jim sighed.

"So let's call them both," she suggested.

"Okay," Jim mumbled as he kissed her cheek and stood up.

"But before we do that, I actually have something for you."

He returned with a small, old box and handed it to her.

She opened the box to find a precious diamond engagement ring.

"It was my Grandmother's," Jim said. "I know you're not the jewelry type, but I always thought you'd be the one to wear it."

"It's beautiful," Chris said with tears brimming her eyes. "Are you sure you want me to have it?"

"Who better than my wife."

Jim took the box back from her and slowly placed the ring on Chris' left hand.

"It even fits you perfectly," he said with a smile. "Like it was meant to be yours all along."

"Almost like how I was meant to be yours all along," Chris said with love in her eyes.



At 8am, the couple received their marriage license. 

At 9am, Hondo walked Chris up her cousin Thomas' driveway to marry Street on the front porch.

 At 9:05am, the two exchanged rings Luca and Fowler had brought for them.

At 9:10am, the couple was man and wife. 

And at 9:30am, the newlyweds left for home together, knowing their jobs were safe (thanks to Lynch), Chris' leave had been granted (thanks to Hicks), and there would soon be another shotgun wedding to attend (thanks to Fowler and Luca). 

No matter what the next day held with Street's surgery, what telling the rest of their teammates looked like, or what would change with two new couples on 20-David, Chris and Street knew that everything would be okay in the end because they were meant to be all along.



[written 6.2.2021 - edited 9.15.2021 + 3.31.2022]

When I promised y'all a post 4x18 story, this is not what I expected to write. I tried to do a whole wedding part, but it just wasn't my favorite for this idea. I like the epilogue a whole lot more. I'd also like to know what you guys think of Nora Fowler? I really like her with Luca (even if it's just a friends thing!). I expect the SWAT writers to go with having Street's surgery complications, which is how Chris stays or comes back. This is just my world. Hopefully, you enjoyed it! <3 -Sharna

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