[Stris] Home Sweet, You & Me (part 1)

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""That doormat says "Welcome Home"
But I think it's wherever I'm with you
It's more than some bricks and stones
No, there ain't nothin' like

Home sweet, you and me
Ain't got much, but we got all we need
Wherever the wind blows, wherever this life goes
Baby, all I know, ain't nothin' like, nothin' like
Home sweet
You and me""

-Russell Dickerson, Home Sweet



It had been an agonizingly long ten weeks apart for Chris and Street. While Chris was completing the best training in the world in Germany, Jim was back stateside recovering from liver transplant surgery.

Their nightly video calls and all-day-long texting weren't enough for the new couple. But they survived ten weeks of just that before Chris arrived back at the LA airport where Street was waiting for her.

"Chris!" Jim exclaimed as he spotted his girl looking for him amongst the crowd.

His voice caught Chris' attention as she finally saw him in the crowd. She instantly darted towards him.

The two met halfway, and Chris quickly abandoned her luggage to wrap her arms tightly around Jim.

They stood in silence, embraced for longer than needed in a public place. Time seemed to stop in their minds as the two held on tightly to one another.

"Hi," Chris finally said as she placed her forehead on his.

"Hey, Christina," Jim replied with the broadest smile. "Miss me?"

She rolled her eyes to herself and quickly pecked him on the lips.

"Just a little," Chris said as she became aware of her surroundings once again. "But we should go. I don't think the entirety of LAX needs to see how much we missed each other."

Jim agreed and proceeded to grab her rolling suitcase as Chris grabbed her duffle. The two silently walked out of LAX hand-in-hand with bright smiles.


"Anywhere you want to go?" Jim asked as he started the engine of his car. "You wanna grab some brunch? Go home?"

Chris smiled at his thoughtfulness and closed her eyes in the passenger seat.

"I'm already home," she said contently.

"I think the jet lag is getting to you, Chris," Jim replied with a chuckle.

"Nope," Chris said as her eyes opened again. "Well, it kinda is, but I meant what I said. While I was away, I realized that home isn't a place for me anymore. I feel most at home when I'm with you, Jim. So I'll go anywhere you like; I just want to be with you."

Jim glanced over at Chris briefly as he entered the highway, but her eyes had already fluttered close once again.

"You're my home, too, Chris," Jim said with a smile as he squeezed her hand that still held onto his. "But for now, I'm taking you to my bed. You need rest, and my place is closer."

Chris smiled slightly to herself as sleep took over, and Jim continued to drive them home.


Chris could feel the area's familiarity in her bones as the two of them turned towards the Street-Luca household. When she finally opened her eyes, Chris could see the familiar welcome mat on the front porch that had brought her inside so many times.

She silently exited the vehicle and followed Jim as he let her inside, bags forgotten to the car in place of some much-needed sleep.

Chris had been in the home dozens of times before but opted to let Street lead her to whatever he was comfortable with sharing this time.

"I know it's not much," Jim said as he opened the door to his bedroom. "But it is a bed you can sleep in, and I'd be willing to bet it's more comfortable than the plane you were on all night. There are more comfortable clothes waiting for you, too."

"I don't need anything else," Chris said as she stepped into the room and found the clothes.

"I've got you and me," she continued after quickly changing and beckoning Jim to bed with her. "I'm home now. Home with you."



[written 9.7.2021 - edited 9.15.2021 + 4.3.2022]

Hi. So this was ridiculously short and sweet, BUT there will be a sequel! I have an exam Thursday but be on the lookout for that afterwards. This mini-series is inspired by the song "Home Sweet" by Russell Dickerson. I hate country music (and yes, I'm from the South) but this one has been stuck in my head for days and I wanted to use it. I went home for the long weekend to see my family so I've been a little MIA but I have not forgotten about y'all. In fact, I've been adding to my prompt list all weekend. I'm just waiting for season 5 to premiere so I can have more content to write around. I hope everyone had a lovely labor day holiday and I'll see you soon! <3 -Sharna

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