[Stris] The Minute He Woke Up

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"Call me when you get out of surgery?"

"The minute I wake up."

-Stris, 4x18


Street had been promptly wheeled into surgery at 6am in Los Angeles while Chris sat by her phone at 3pm in Germany. 

She had been granted the afternoon off from training to wait on the call from her friend. He had promised to call the minute he woke up. However, Chris had been warned that that call would take time; Jim would be in surgery for 4-6 hours, followed by at least another hour in the recovery room before he'd be wheeled back to his own hospital room where he could make good on his promised call to her.

Chris sat by that phone for just over 6 hours, not even daring to remove it from the charger. She knew she could forget occupying her time with anything. The TV played idly in the background as she stared into space with only her thoughts consuming her; not even the food Luca had brought hours ago had gone touched.

By 9pm, Chris had grown worried. The surgery had gone past the lower end of the predicted time, which had scared her. She was nauseous and drained mentally and physically, but Chris knew eating or sleeping weren't an option until she heard from Jim himself. She had to stay strong just a bit longer for him.

Twenty minutes later, Chris finally got her call.

She picked up Jim's video call on the first ring like her life had depended on it (and by that point, her sanity did).

"Street!" Chris exclaimed with excitement. "Everything okay? Are you good? How do you feel?"

Jim shut his eyes- fighting sleep from the anesthesia that had yet to wear off- and smiled at her.

"Much better now that I've seen your face," he replied with a smile still plastered on his face.

Chris just laughed as relief rushed over her body, and she untensed for the first time since leaving the States. Of course, his first words to her would be a flirty remark. Chris expected nothing less of him.

"I'm happy to see your face, too. I actually don't think I've ever been so happy to see your face. I don't want to keep you too long because I know you need to rest, but how are you feeling? Did everything go well?"

"Everything went great, Chris," Jim replied as he opened his eyes again to look at her. "They completed my end of the surgery in a little over 4 hours. Everything went perfectly. It took me a little longer to wake up than most people; my body must process anesthesia a little too well. But I'm awake now and feeling good. Mom's been in surgery for a couple of hours now. It will be several more before she's done."

Chris could feel even more relief now, and the tiredness of being emotionally drained the way she had been started to take over her body.

"I'm so glad everything went well," Chris said with a sigh and a yawn.

Jim could tell the day's events had taken a toll on Chris, making him sad.

"Hey, Chris," he said to get her attention back. "I know you'll never fully believe me, but I am okay. I feel fine, and I would tell you if I didn't. You don't have to worry so much. We're out of the danger zone; it's only up from here."

Chris' heart melted in an instant. Her worries were mostly gone, and she was left struck with nothing but love and admiration for Jim.

"I love you," Chris said softly with stars in her eyes.

"And I love you," Jim replied. "We'll be back together again soon, and I can't wait for that day. But until then, I'm going to kick PT's ass, and I want you to show everyone at TLI why you're Christina Alonso. Okay?"

Chris looked at her screen with a soft smile and voice. 



Luca quickly opened his hotel room door around 10pm to find Chris standing outside with tears in her eyes.

Luca was bracing for the worst as he looked Chris over and was surprised in the best way when she began to talk.

"Everything went perfectly," was all she said before wrapping her arms tightly around him and beginning to sob.

Luca held on to her tightly to calm her down as best he could. He could feel the relief wash over her body as she pulled away to look him in the eyes a few moments later- tears still lingering on her face.

"He's going to be okay."



[written 8.7.2021 - edited 9.15.2021 + 3.31.2022]

Well, if this wasn't a good mixture of sweetness and worry, I don't know what is. I love domestic Stris and Street always reassuring Chris. 

I should probably address the fact that I've been MIA for 3 weeks. Long story short, my adoption fell through, I got kicked out, and I had to move again right before I leave for college. (I'm okay and safe now - editing Sharna)

Also, I'd like to point out that today is a significant day in Sharna history. 1 year ago today, I had a car accident that has permanently left me injured. I have a spinal injury and permanent nerve damage in my right (dominant) hand that has left me unable to feel half that hand. I learned how to write again at 17. I've been in chiropractic PT for a year now, and I did 12 weeks of rehab. I did that, and I did it for me. Being able to write this short piece is a blessing to me. And while my posting/writing schedule is far from perfect or consistent, you guys have shown me nothing but love over the past year. I just wanted to say thank you. Y'all have no idea what your kind words have meant to me so many days when I wanted to give it up. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I truly don't know what I ever did to deserve such a kind group of readers.

And finally, this piece is dedicated to the lovely Sarah. You have been with me since day one, and all of your comments and messages never fail to make me smile. This story was born out of our conversation last night about a casual first Stris I love you. I hope you love it as much as I do. Thank you for the support and for always being you. <3 -Sharna

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