[Stris] No Harm, No Foul

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"Thanks for always having my back, Street. I love you."

"Always, Alonso. I love you, too."


20-David had just wrapped a long day of a joint investigation with Long Beach PD, and Chris and Street had decided to hang back to chat with Street's old colleagues for a bit.

"How's Mel?" Street asked his former partner Nick.

"She always was your favorite," Nick joked. "She's good, still on maternity leave from having Jackson. She should be back in a couple of weeks, though. But, not going to lie; I've missed her myself."

Chris rolled her eyes. She knew all about Melanie. Of course Street's only female partner at Long Beach would be his favorite. 

At least she's tied down, Chris thought.

"You remember when Mel's husband thought you were flirting with her and threatened to kill you?" Ethan, Street's first partner, asked in a teasing tone.

Street held his hands up in defense and laughed.

"Hey, I never flirted with Mel. I don't mess with married women. But I actually thought he was going to kill me there for a minute."

Chris rolled her eyes again. 

"Jim Street, you would flirt with a brick wall," Chris teased.

Ethan and Nick both looked at her and shook their heads, laughing.

"I take it he got you, too," Nick quipped.

"Within 5 minutes of meeting me," Chris laughed and wrapped one arm around Street's side.

"Hey," Jim tried to act offended but couldn't help but laugh. "You're supposed to have my back, Christina. Now you're out here telling all my secrets."

"I guess you were okay, though," Chris smiled at him. "Second best partner I've ever had. Charlie was better."

This sent them both into a fit of laughter that Street's former colleagues didn't understand.

"Charlie was my K-9," Chris said once they had calmed down a bit. 

Her statement caused the other two to join in on their laughter.

"Damn, Street. Getting beaten out by a K-9," Nick laughed.

"Well, don't tell Mel this, but you're my favorite, Chrissy," Jim said as she smiled back at him.

"Thank you," Chris said genuinely. "But don't ever call me Chrissy again."

Chris and Street soon separated so Jim could talk with Nick and see Mel on video chat for a bit. That left Chris casually chatting with Ethan for a while, really about nothing. He told her a few good stories about being Street's first partner, and she told a few of her good narcotics stories and how she got to SWAT. Chris didn't think anything about chatting with Ethan; she had talked with both of Street's other partners many times before. 

About half an hour later, Chris noticed that Street's conversation had wound down, and they would be getting ready to leave soon. She thanked Ethan for his stories and went to rejoin Street, but she was quickly stopped in her tracks.

"Hey," Ethan said, attempting to get Chris' attention back. "We should go get a drink sometime. I'd love to hear some more narcotics stories."

Chris grimaced at the thought. It had been forever since another cop had flirted with her- probably since Street had when he first joined SWAT- and the idea made her uneasy.

She turned back around to face him. 

"I think I'll have to pass on that offer," Chris said as kindly as she could.

Ethan didn't seem to be upset or offended, just curious. 

"You have a thing about dating cops?" He asked, knowing that many of his female colleagues held the same beliefs.

"She did until she started dating me," Street replied for her.

Neither Chris nor Ethan realized that Jim had begun listening to their conversation at some point, but Chris was almost thankful he had.

Street stopped right beside Chris and wrapped his arm around her the same way she had before.

He seemed a little pissed.

"Oh, shit," Ethan said. "I am so sorry. I had no idea."

Nick watched all of this happen from behind the three of them and couldn't decide whether he should run or laugh.

Chris knew the look in Jim's eyes. He was about to say something he'd regret later, so she had to deescalate the situation right then and there.

"It's all good," she said with a false smile. "You didn't know, but you do now. No harm, no foul."

She paused for a moment to look at Jim and emphasize the smile on her face.

"But we do have to get going. Luca will be worried about us. It was nice seeing you guys."

She turned them around, flashed a genuine small smile towards Nick, and led them both to the car.


"The fact that my old partner had the audacity to hit on you right in front of me, Chris, I just don't get it," Jim exclaimed on their drive home.

It had been 10 minutes since they had left, and this was the first time he had spoken. Chris knew this was coming.

"I know it wasn't fun for you to watch, Jim, and trust me, it wasn't fun for me either, but he didn't know that we were together. And I think you scared the hell out of him once he realized we were," Chris said calmly as she watched him drive from the passenger seat.

"And I can excuse that! I can't fault the man for trying with you. I'd say you're pretty damn amazing. But you said no, and he pressed the issue. I have a problem there," Jim looked over at her for a moment with his last sentiment.

Chris just shook her head. He really didn't know.

"Jim, you realize that's been my entire life, right? But, unfortunately, that's part of being a woman. Men don't like being told no, and they'll press forever. I'd say being a cop makes it even worse. You learn to live with it, not that it makes it right, but you do."

She stopped to inspect his reaction to what she had just said.

"That's so fucked up, Chris. I know you can handle yourself, but you shouldn't have to. People are assholes."

Chris laughed slightly at his sentiment.

"Well, I appreciate it and agreed on the asshole part, but people like you make it worth it. I get to spend my life with the most kind-hearted and respectful man I've ever met. You were worth jumping through a few assholes to get to." 

She squeezed his hand. 

"Thanks for always having my back, Street. I love you."

He kissed the top of her hand intertwined with his and continued to drive.

"Always, Alonso. I love you, too."



[written 7.8.2020 - edited 9.15.2021 + 3.30.2022]

If that wasn't ridiculously sweet and domestic, I don't know what is! This one is for @izasilva71! Here's your jealous Street! I hope you loved this one. Also, Mel, Ethan, and Nick are my characters! Feel free to use them; just tag me for credit so I can read your stuff!  <3 -Sharna

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