[Stris] I Consider Myself Lucky (post 3x21)

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"Just be happy I love you, you idiot!" 

"I consider myself lucky."


"Chris?" Jim asked sweetly as he stepped toward her, sifting through her locker.

Chris only hummed in reply and looked up to meet Jim's eyes.

The only word that could describe Chris's look was somber. There was no anger or true sadness, only a sharp sense of numbness.

Jim took a moment to lightly wrap his arms around the shorter woman, careful not to put pressure on her right side where she had been shot only hours before.

Luckily for Jim, the feeling was reciprocated as Chris wrapped her arms tightly around his back and tucked her chin into his shoulder.

"Come stay with me tonight," he said, breaking their silence. 

"That's really not necessary," Chris said as she looped her arms around Jim's neck to look him in the eyes again. "I really am okay."

"Chris, I believe you when you say you're okay physically. But I'm saying that I watched you get shot today, and I don't want to take my eyes off you ever again," Jim paused his monologue to take a deep breath. "Come stay with me, just for tonight. I don't think either of us needs to be alone right now."

Chris thought over his statement for a moment and sighed.

"We're getting tacos, and you owe me a margarita," Chris stated matter-of-factly with a smile on her face.

"Deal, Alonso."


Chris and Street sat on his couch for about an hour after finishing their takeout and drinks before Chris wanted to talk.

"Jim," Chris said sweetly to get his attention. "Can we talk about today?"

"Yeah," Jim said as he paused the TV and looked down at Chris, who was tucked under his shoulder. "I'd actually like to talk. I didn't want to press you, though."

"You saved my ass out there," Chris said flatly as she looked at her partner.

Jim sighed. 

"I only saved your ass because I failed to protect you in the first place."

"You didn't fail me or anyone," Chris said with a frown. "What happened out there was just part of the job; it isn't the first time I've been shot, and it probably won't be the last."

Chris took Jim's hand and interlaced their fingers.

"But I am certain that I would be laying in a morgue right now if it weren't for you. So thank you for saving my ass."

Jim pulled Chris into as much of a hug as he could with the position they were sitting in on the couch.

"For half a second, you were gone, Chris. My entire life was gone," he had tears steadily streaming down his face and onto Chris' hair.

She gripped him tighter.

"I don't ever want to envision my life without you again. Not even for half a second," Jim mumbled.

"You don't have to," Chris started. "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I want the longest, happiest life with you, Jim Street. I want the dog and the white picket fence. I want our friends to squirm at the sight of how in love we are. I want room in that house for kids and poor Luca, who will always be our third wheel. But most importantly, I just want a life with you; I'll take whatever that entails."

Jim looked up at her with a small laugh.

"It only took you almost dying to admit you love me finally."

Chris playfully swatted his arm playfully. 

"Just be happy I love you, you idiot!"

"I consider myself lucky," Jim said as he softly kissed the girl in his arms.



[written 11.14.2020 - edited 9.15.2021 + 3.31.2022]

Uh, hi. Long time no see. That's my fault (and life's). Maybe this makes up for it? And a post-season 4 finale story, too? Forgive me? Any who, I'M BACK because what Stris writer wouldn't come back after that finale? Thanks for sticking around. Enjoy my prewritten stuff from last year while I work on season 4 stories. See y'all soon. <3 -Sharna

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