Stris Drabbles (part 3)

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Welcome to Stris Drabbles: Date Interruptions edition! I hope you enjoy these 3 dates being interrupted by the squad. <3 -Sharna



Neither Chris nor Street was sure if this was a date.

It was a casual Sunday evening at Street's place. Chris had agreed to stop by for a few hours to hang out and watch a movie after lunch at her family's place.

The two of them had hung out together alone before, but everything felt like a weird grey area since admitting there were feelings involved.

They still hadn't figured out a solution to their problem, so by Chris' definition, this wasn't a date; however, even Chris had found herself doing questionable things for her not-date. She had dressed herself up more for lunch that day and told herself it was because this was her first family function since returning from Germany. She knew what thoughts crossed her mind while getting ready that morning, and it wasn't her aunt, uncle, or cousins. 

The feeling in the home was awkward for the first 10 minutes, but soon the two of them had relaxed and let their natural closeness take over.

They had settled onto the couch to watch some movie Luca had recommended to Street the previous night. Both of them kept a respectable distance at first, but Chris slowly crept her way towards Jim as he leaned against the edge of the couch. By the halfway mark, she was lightly pressed against him- careful to avoid his surgery wounds that hadn't completely healed- and he had wrapped an arm securely around her shoulders and began to stroke her arm lovingly. They were both content.

That was until keys rattled in the front door. The noise was enough to stir Chris from her sleepy state and let her gut instinct to quickly jump to the other side of the couch take over. It was lucky for the both of them that she had because Luca soon walked through the door earlier than expected.

"That was a short family reunion," Jim said to Luca as he turned towards the living room where his co-workers sat.

"There were two types of people at that reunion," Luca started as he sat on the arm of the recliner. "The people who left at 7pm because they have to work tomorrow and the people who were drunk at 7pm because they don't. I fall into the first category now, and man, do I feel old."

Chris and Street laughed at Luca's remarks as the older man scanned the room.

"Now I know you're not watching the movie I suggested with Chris instead of me," Luca said as he poked his roommate.

"We can restart it," Jim offered. "I think Chris has been asleep for half of it anyway."

Luca looked at Chris in a way that seemed he wanted an invite to join them; she took notice.

"Come on, Luca," she motioned to appease him. "I've got time."

Neither of them was expecting Luca to sit directly in between them on the couch. If looks could kill, Street thought, his roommate would be a dead man. 

Street knew, though, that he could give Luca hell for this one day. If only he could get Chris to agree to an actual date.



Our Boss and the Mayor

It was late before 20-David left work. Their case ran over into their off-weekend by several hours, and everyone was starving and desperate to get home by the time 9pm rolled around.

Chris, however, was not in a big hurry to get home. Instead, she wanted to wait for Street. They both had weekend plans, and Chris knew they wouldn't see each other until their next shift. That fact had made her bold enough to ask- or rather make- Street go to dinner with her. 

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