Stris Drabbles (part 1)

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Welcome to part 1 of my collection of Stris drabbles. These snippets are too small to have their own part, so I compile 3 of them into 1 part to post. They all have their own names underlined so you can tell them apart. Enjoy!


Date Nights Ending At Deacon's

Chris and Street's Friday night was just getting started when they got a call from Hondo.

Someone had attempted to break into the Kay's home again while everyone was there that evening eating dinner, and all hands were on deck to finally catch the people behind the attacks.

Chris and Street didn't need to hear anything more to politely cancel their fancy dinner and head straight to Deacon's house.

The only problem was, the two definitely looked like they were on a date.

Chris looked like she had just stepped off a runway. Her makeup shined with a glossy red lip, her hair was slightly curled and pinned to one side, and she was showing off every curve she had in a tight black two-piece dress that exposed her midriff and red-bottomed heels.

Jim didn't look any less nice in his black suit and tie.

"How exactly are we supposed to walk into Deacon's with the entire team there looking like this?" Chris asked as she motioned at the two of them.

Jim shrugged his shoulder and continued to drive.

"I'll lose the jacket and tie, but I don't know about you. You can have my jacket if you want to cover up," he offered.

"We're already showing up together looking like we came off Broadway. You really think me wearing your jacket is a good idea?" She refuted.

"Just tell them you're cold," Jim said. "Besides, I'm sure the scene is chaos. I doubt anyone pays mind to us."

Chris thought his statement over a moment and sighed.

"Whatever you say."


The scene was, in fact, chaos, but the first thing everyone did when the two arrived was take notice of their presence.

Chris and Street had done their best to minimize their obvious date looks. Jim had taken his tie off and given his jacket to Chris to cover herself up more. She pulled her hair back as best she could in the dark, but Chris had no choice but to leave her heels on and cross her arms over Jim's jacket to hide her dress as best as possible.

The rest of the 20-David squad looked like they had rolled right off their couches from binge-watching TV and arrived at the scene. Chris and Street looked like deer in headlights to everyone around them.

As the two approached the rest of their team on the porch, Deacon offered Chris a hand to help her up the stairs in her heels.

"Thanks," Chris said to Deacon as she took her spot next to him.

"You know you don't have to get all dressed up to come to my house," he teased.

Chris smirked at him and shook her head.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said. "This is what I look like every day."

"You do seem like the kind of woman that would kick someone's ass in red-bottomed heels," Luca added as Jim joined him.

"But you don't have to because I have shoes and a sweatshirt in my car," Nora said as she grabbed Chris' wrist and led her to her car.

Chris returned a few moments later in a much more comfortable pair of tennis shoes and a sweatshirt over her dress.

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