[Stris] When She Came Home (part 2)

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"I'm already home, and I just didn't know it. Home's always been with you."


"Morning, Deac," Chris said sleepily as she accepted his FaceTime request. 

Deacon let out a small breath of relief as she answered the phone.

"Chris! And... Street?" Deacon seemed confused as Chris got out of Jim's comfy bed.

"Yeah. Sorry, Deac. I forgot to call last night. I fell asleep not long after we got in, and I guess Street carried me to bed at some point."

Chris rubbed her eyes and propped her phone up on the kitchen counter so she could make coffee and still talk to her fatherly figure.

"You're all good, Chris. You know you can come and go as you please; I just wanted to make sure you were safe after you didn't come home last night. I see that you are more than safe now. I'm sorry I woke you two up."

Chris turned around at the last part and noticed that Jim was now sitting at their breakfast bar. 

"Morning, Deac," he said, smiling and waving at Chris' phone.

"Morning, sleepyhead," he smiled at the younger cop, not wanting to invade their privacy too much.

Street smiled and took the coffee Chris made to wake himself up.

"So, Deacon, I'm actually glad you called. I meant to call and tell you this yesterday evening, but I'm moving back in with Luca and Street." 

Chris settled on the stool next to Street and waited for a response.

Deacon smiled widely at his oldest daughter. He was happy she was finally settling down again.

"Well, Chris, we will miss you around here. But I think it's finally time you go home."

She leaned toward Street, and he put his arm around her.

"I couldn't agree more," Chris said with a genuine smile as she leaned against Street.

The two of them made plans to visit the Kay household later after Jim repaid Chris the cup of coffee he had stolen. And maybe Luca was a little nosey as the two crept around the house, stealing glances and quiet conversations.


"You two know you don't have to knock! You're family," Deacon said as he opened the front door for Chris and Street.

The two first noticed Tan sleeping on the couch with one of Deacon's girls next to him.

Deacon could sense their curiosity, too.

"I put the girls down for a nap 45 minutes ago, and I guess Tan and Bonnie decided to join in. I think yesterday gave Tan a little life check. He and Bonnie have been here all day with the girls. I think they might be considering having a little one soon," Deacon said in a hushed tone, leading Chris and Street into the kitchen.

The three of them sat at the breakfast bar to talk while the girls finished their naps.

"I'm happy for you guys," Deacon started as he prepared coffee for everyone. "I was worried there for a little while that I'd never see you two work things out." 

"I think we've got things worked out," Jim said as he squeezed Chris' hand. "At least I hope so because I missed her a lot." 

Deacon slightly rolled his eyes at his two teammates, that had been obliviously in love for years.

"Well, I'm just glad to be home. I appreciate your hospitality, Deac, but I missed my home. Home was always with Street and Luca," Chris added.

"I'm happy to see you both happy; that's all that matters to me," Deacon said as he handed over the coffee he had finished.

Before anything else could be said, a small figure appeared in the hallway wrapped in a blanket.

"Aunt Chrissy!" She said, and she walked quickly towards Chris.

Chris picked the tiny girl up. 

"Tori! I missed you. Did you have a good nap?" She asked the little girl.

Victoria let out a small "Yeah," still tired from her nap, and buried her face into Chris' shoulder.

"Tori? Where'd you go?" Bonnie called as she made her way down the Kay's hallway.

Bonnie spotted the small girl clinging to Chris and couldn't help but smile.

She waved to Street and went toward Chris to see the small child.

"I see you left me for your aunt Chris," Bonnie smiled as she wiggled her eyebrows at the girl.

"Yeah," Tori said as she looked back and forth between Chris and Bonnie.

"That's okay. Your aunt Chris is pretty cool."

Chris chuckled and shook her head at Bonnie. 

"Alright, Tori. You want to go back and play with aunt Bonnie or come with me and uncle Jim?"

Without hesitation, she replied, "You."

Bonnie laughed at the girl; Chris was always her favorite. 


"Are you sure you have everything?" Deacon asked as Chris and Street lingered around the doorway to say goodbye late that evening.

20-David had all come over for dinner to have some family time after their long week at work.

"I'm sure, Deac," Chris said with certainty. "I checked the entire house 3 times. If I forgot something, I'll just come back and get it. It's no big deal."

She smiled at him, trying to ease his anxiety as he hugged Street goodbye.

"You be careful getting home," he said to Street sternly.

Street laughed with a small "yes, dad" before looking at Chris with a nod.

"I'll go wait for you in the car."

Deacon waited for the door to close before offering Chris some parting advice.

"I know you don't need my advice, Chris, but I'm going to give you some anyway. You, more than anyone, deserve to be happy, and you are the happiest when you're with Jim, Chris. I know it's scary falling in love and figuring everything out, but you two will make it. I promise that making it through the hard stuff is worth it."

Deacon pulled her into a tight parting hug.

"Go fall in love, Chris. You deserve it," he whispered as she pulled away.

"Thank you," Chris replied as she closed the door behind her.


"Are you ready to be home?" Jim asked as the two drove down the highway, away from downtown where Deacon lived and towards their rundown neighborhood on the opposite side of the city.

"I'm already home, and I just didn't know it. Home's always been with you."



[Written 5.18.2020 - Edited 9.15.2021 + 3.30.2022]

[formerly "I'm Home"]

Part 2 also got a major revamp. Nothing dramatically changed; I just took some finite details out. <3 -Sharna

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