[Stris] Home Sweet, You & Me (part 2)

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"I could get used to this," she replied nonchalantly. "The whole you and me thing."


"Chris," Jim whispered softly as he pressed a kiss to her temple. "It's time to get up."

Chris' eyes fluttered open slowly before she quickly buried herself into Jim's shoulder to soften the brunt of the harsh light from his bedroom window.

"I know you're sleepy," Street said as he traced circles on her back. "But we need to get up if you still plan on going to your family's dinner."

She grunted at the displeasure of her sleep being disturbed before turning over to check the time for herself. It was, in fact, after 2pm, and she did need to get up.

"I don't wanna move," Chris mumbled to Street as she turned back over and kissed his jaw lazily.

"I know," he replied as he pecked her softly on the lips. "And believe me, I want nothing more than to lay here with you all day, but you haven't seen your family in 2 months either. You can come back here with me tonight, and we'll lay in bed all day tomorrow, I promise."

Chris thought over his statement for a moment before pulling herself up.

"You drive a hard bargain, James Street," Chris said as she leaned back down to kiss him softly. "I'm holding you to that."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Jim replied as he got up and followed her to get ready.


"There's mi Chiquita," Salzo said as he embraced Chris straight her from the car. "It's been too long, Christina."

"Only ten weeks, Papa," Chris replied as he kissed her cheek.

"10 weeks too long," Salzo warned as he stepped away from his niece with a smile on his face.

"Jimmy," he said before embracing Street in a warm hug as well. "Glad to see you doing well."

"All thanks to your TLC and someone's hard-ass," Jim replied as he nudged Chris' side. 

"I was happy to keep you fed," Salzo started as the three of them walked towards the front door to join the others inside. "Christina's family is our family, too."

"Tia!" Chris exclaimed as she opened the front door to find her aunt cooking away in the kitchen.

"Christina!" Maria said back happily as she wiped the flour from her hands to embrace her niece.

"I've missed you, Tia," Chris said as her aunt looked her over, kissing her cheeks lovingly.

"And I have missed you, Hermosa."

Maria could see Jim lingering behind Chris and pulled the man in for a hug, too.

"You're not exempt from this either, Jimmy," she warned as he hugged her back. "Even if you stole my niece this morning."


"You're staring," Chris' aunt Maria said as she rounded the kitchen corner.

Chris had been leaning against the doorframe to the living room for quite some time now. She had been banished from the kitchen by her aunt for "having eyes as dark as night." But something in her didn't want to disturb the moment in front of her.

Jim was sitting on the couch, Tomas and Abigail's daughter Bella draped across his lap, asleep. Abigail was sleeping in the chair across from them as Salzo and Tomas grilled outside. Jim looked content; he looked like he belonged right in her family picture.

Chris jumped slightly at her aunt's sudden presence and attempted to hold her composure over the moment.

"I know the boy doesn't have much of a family," Maria said as she took in the sight. "But he fits in like an Alonso."

Chris smiled at her remark and leaned in to hug her aunt.

"Be wise, Christina," she whispered as a warning.


Chris thought over precisely what she wanted to do, but her thoughts were cut short as Jim looked up at her with a smile and beckoned her to join him on the couch.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked as Chris sat next to him and cuddled herself into his side.

"I could get used to this," she replied nonchalantly. "The whole you and me thing. Being home with you."

"Well, I'm not going anywhere," Street replied as he wrapped his arm around her tightly and kissed her forehead. "You have me spoiled with this family thing now."

Chris just smiled and kissed him softly, not a care in her mind about who might be watching.

"I love you," she said as she tucked herself back into his side and closed her eyes.

"I love you, too, Alonso."



[written + edited 9.17.2021]

Well, this was really sweet! And nothing like how I had planned. Sometimes it just works out that way. Quite honestly, I was just desperate to get this part 2 up so I can work on some other stories. Hopefully, y'all are enjoying these revised parts. New stuff is coming soon! And I cannot wait for season 5! <3 -Sharna

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