[Stris] Alonso Family Weddings

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"Trying to marry me off, too, are you?"


Chris couldn't believe her little cousin Tomas was finally getting married to the woman of his dreams. In her mind, it was just yesterday that she was donating bone marrow to help with his cancer treatment. Now, here she was, helping him get ready to marry his college sweetheart Abigail.

"I can't believe my little Tommy is finally getting married!" Chris smiled at her cousin through the bathroom mirror as she combed his hair back perfectly for the ceremony.

"Now, my older cousin, I don't see you in a rush to marry dear Jim, now do I?" He teased her, knowing how uncomfortable talking about their relationship made Chris.

"Trying to marry me off, too, are you? I'll have you know that Jim and I are quite happy where we are, thank you." She teased him back.

"That we are," Jim said, entering the room. "But one day..."

Jim quickly kissed Chris on the lips before they were interrupted.

"Alright, love birds. Save it for your wedding. I'm the one getting married here today." He smiled at the two, happy to finally see his cousin so happy and in love.

"That's a good thing because I believe I have groomed you to the nines," Chris stepped away from the mirror so he could take a look for himself.

He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled at himself and Chris.

"And you have done a wonderful job. I'll leave you to finish getting ready now," he kissed the top of her hand lovingly. "Thank you, Chris."

Tomas closed the bathroom door behind him and joined Jim in his hotel room.

"Your tux is hanging up on the balcony door. Shoes and jewelry are on the nightstand. I checked on Abigail, and everything is going well with her. She also sent you this note," Jim stated as he handed a small envelope to Tomas.

Tomas read his letter with tears as he and Jim talked while Chris applied her makeup and retouched her hair. She couldn't hear anything over the music that played in the bathroom, giving Thomas optimal timing to incur with Jim about his and Chris' future.

"You know I was just teasing Chris earlier, but I am curious if there are any wedding plans on your part. Another Alonso wedding could be nice," Thomas inquired with genuine curiosity.

Jim let out a sigh mixed with a small laugh. For a cop, he was terrible at keeping his cards with Chris close.

"There is a ring, but there isn't a time nor a place yet," Jim replied nonchalantly as he smiled widely at the thought of actually giving the ring he had Luca holding for a long time.

Thomas smiled, too.

"There's no time like the present. It's not like she'll say no."

"Okay, I am not proposing to your cousin on your wedding day!" Jim said jokingly.

Thomas laughed aloud at Jim and patted him on the back.

 "I'm not saying propose to her today, Jim! Just soon. She will say yes."

"I sure hope so," Jim said quietly but loud enough for Thomas to hear him and smile to himself.


The ceremony was traditional and beautiful, just like Abigail and Tomas. It was held in the beautiful Catholic church he and Chris had grown up attending. Chris and her uncle walked Tomas down the aisle before she joined him as his best man. Not long after, Jim was beside her as one of Tomas' groomsmen. Chris and Street held hands as Abigail's grandfather officiated the ceremony. Twenty minutes and many tears later, the couple was officially married.

After taking wedding party photos, Chris and Street were finally able to sit down towards the end of cocktail hour. They were outside with the rest of the wedding guests, but Street found a spot on a stone bench slightly away from the large crowd of guests. Chris was grateful for the peace as she leaned her head on Jim's shoulder.

"What's got you down, love?" Jim asked softly as he played with her hair.

She smiled sadly.

"Nothing really. I was just thinking about my childhood with Tomas. I wish my mom could have seen him get married. She would have loved this wedding."

Jim sighed. He knew exactly what got Chris down and had no way to make her feel better.

"I'm sorry your mom can't be here to see Tomas, and you get married, Chris."

A single tear slipped down her face at the sound of his voice.

"It's just not fair, you know? Neither of us has much of a biological family. I know we have SWAT, and I love them, but don't you sometimes wish you had a normal family? Parents to go home to? To see the important moments in your life?"

He wiped the falling tears away from her face and kissed her forehead.

"Of course, I wonder how life would be with a normal family; I think that's only natural. But a normal family didn't raise the woman I love. A normal family didn't raise me. As messed up as we are, Chris, I wouldn't trade us for the world. I get to come home to my family every day because you are my family."

She pressed her forehead to his with a smile, her cheeks still wet with tears.

"I love you, Jim Street. One day we will have our normal family."

"Right back at you, Alonso. That's a promise," Jim replied as he kissed her softly.



"Hey, Luca, I'm going to need that ring back," Jim said quietly as the two sat on their couch hours after Chris had gone to bed.

Luca just smiled at the younger man and took another swig of his beer. 

"About damn time you got wise, Street."



[edited 9.15.2021 + 3.30.2022] 

[formerly "Wedding Bells & (Possible) Wedding Rings"]

This story has been slightly edited from its original version; I basically took out 1 paragraph and changed the name, so it shouldn't be too noticeable. I loved being able to bring Tomas and Chris' uncle into my writings! They'll be making other appearances in this book. I also fixed the spelling of Tomas' name; thanks to those of you who pointed that out. <3 -Sharna

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