[Stris] 71 Days

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71 was the number of days Chris spent in Germany.

It was also the longest amount of time she and Street had spent apart since they met five years prior.

And it just so happened that those 71 days came just hours after the two finally decided to give their relationship a shot.

All the while, Street lay in LA recovering from liver transplant surgery.

The following is a recollection of the conversations had during those 71 days apart.


Day 2

"Hi," Street said softly with a smile as Chris' face finally graced his screen.

"Hey there," she said with a smile of her own. "How are you feeling?"

Seeing her smile made Jim's hazy reality feel better. And Chris was relieved to see him awake and talking.

"Sleepy," he replied, barely able to hold the phone up. "But better now that I'm talking to you."

"Did everything go okay?" Chris asked as the concern hit her like a wave again.

"Everything went perfectly on my end," Street said as his eyes fluttered close again. "Won't know anything on Mom for a while."

Chris felt her breath catch. Her feelings about the whole ordeal were still mixed.

"Well you've done everything you can, Jim," she said reassuringly. "Now you need to rest."

"I know," he said so quietly she barely caught the words.

Silence filled the call for a few moments. Chris was almost convinced he had fallen back asleep.

"Will you stay until I fall asleep?" Jim asked as he looked back at her once more. "My world is hazy, and I'm anxious. Your presence helps."

His words both warmed and cut her heart. She wanted desperately to be there and hold his hand.

"Of course, I will," Chris said with a smile she hoped hid the sadness behind her eyes. "Want to hear about my day?"

"I'd love that," Street replied as he propped his phone up and closed his eyes one final time.


Day 9

"I thought you might like to see someone," Jim said as Chris answered his call.

"Charlie!" She exclaimed as the large German Shepard laid his head on Street's shoulder. 

"When did you get home?" Chris asked.

"Just now," Street replied as he stroked the dog's head lovingly.

Chris' heart melted at the sight. She missed her boys more than anything.

"I think he misses you," Jim said as Charlie wined at the phone. "He's not the only one."

"I miss you guys, too," Chris replied with a sad smile. "But I'm glad you're home now."

"I'm happy to be home, too, but I can't wait until you're here with me."

Jim couldn't help himself. It was easy to distract himself in the hospital, but he missed Chris more than ever now that he was home. Pictures and things reminded him of her missing presence at every turn. The loveable dog in his lap that she adored didn't help either.

"I know," she said softly.


Day 14

"I feel guilty," Chris finally admitted during their nightly phone call.

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