[Stris] My Kids Are Getting Married

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"My kids are getting married," Luca said with tears in his eyes.


It was a beautiful 4th of July evening for the 20-David squad as they gathered at their leader Hondo's house for a night of celebration.

It wasn't often that the squad was off for a fun holiday, and they enjoyed being able to spend this Saturday evening together with no threat of being called to work.

Hondo, Deacon, and Jim were all in the backyard grilling and hanging out with Hondo's mom. Darryl, Jen, and baby DeShaun sat on the sofa as DeShaun took his afternoon nap, and Chris, Tan, and Bonnie were all in the kitchen preparing sides and chatting among themselves.

Bonnie couldn't help but notice a shiny new piece of jewelry on Chris' hand as they prepared food. She took her chance to say something to Chris about it as Tan exited the kitchen and entered the backyard.

"That's a pretty ring," Bonnie commented as casually as she could.

Chris looked down at her hand and realized she had forgotten to take the ring off before she and Street left their house. She didn't even begin to know how to explain why there was a diamond ring on her left hand and decided playing dumb would be the best option at the moment.

"Um- thanks," was all Chris could say in her startled state.

Bonnie put down the dish she was washing and turned to look at Chris as she was desperately trying to find something to distract herself.

"You know that's on your wedding finger, right?" Bonnie questioned.

Chris froze dead in her tracks. She had never known Bonnie to be so blunt.

In Chris' moment of untimely silence, Bonnie suddenly realized exactly what was happening.

"Holy shit. Christina! Are you engaged? What the hell is happening?" Bonnie shrieked. 

Bonnie's outburst caused Chris to unsettle herself to keep her friend quiet.

"Shhh! Keep your voice down! I don't need the whole world knowing right now."

"Oh my God! Who knows? Does Jim know? Who the hell are you engaged to?" Bonnie asked as she looked Chris' hand over close up to see the stunning ring she had on.

Chris didn't know how to answer those questions either. She had hoped the startling news would keep Bonnie from asking too many questions, but she had been wrong.

Suddenly, the odd past few months of Chris' life made sense to Bonnie. She was engaged to Jim, and that's why everything had stunned her so much.

"Christina Alonso, are you engaged to Jim?" Bonnie asked as her eyes widened with hope.

Chris just pursed her lips and looked down, smiling slightly. 

"Maybe," Chris replied softly.

"Oh my God! Chris! When did this happen?" Bonnie was smiling with tons of questions buzzing through her head.

"Alright, I'll tell you everything, but you have to promise this stays between us until I can talk to Jim and we can figure out what to do. Deal? This was not supposed to happen today." 

Chris had a look of worry in her eyes but a smile on her face.

"Deal," Bonnie said.

"Not a soul, Bonnie. Not even Victor," Chris quipped.

"I promise. Not a soul." 

Chris took a moment to collect her thoughts and started. 

"Alright. We started seeing each other a couple of months ago, right after I got shot. We finally just decided that the fear of losing each other before we got to give us a chance was greater than the fear of just giving us a chance. We just clicked and fell head over heels in love fast. Within a few weeks, we were talking about forever. It's like I finally found the missing piece of my life's puzzle."

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