[Stris] An Unexpected Wedding Date

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"I'm not looking for anyone else, but maybe I'd marry you someday."


Chris really didn't want to go to Ty and Kira's wedding, and she most certainly didn't want to go alone. But her accepting the plus-one seemed to be more of her enemy than the actual wedding itself. She had no one to take and no plan on how to explain her missing plus-one to her couple of exes.

"I don't know what to do, Tan. I decided to be an absolute idiot and accept a plus-one to my exes' wedding! I don't know what the hell I was thinking. I don't even want to go; I never have. I hate weddings!" Chris stated, frustrated after a long week at work.

"I'd love to go and pretend to be your date, Chris. Free drinks and food sound great to me, but they already know I'm engaged to Bonnie. So I wouldn't do you much good," Tan said to her sadly.

"I'm out, unfortunately," Deacon said. "They know I'm married."

"So am I," Hondo spoke up. "Darryl's got visitation this weekend that I have to supervise."

"And I'm afraid they'll never believe we're together, Chris," Luca said as he sat next to her on the bench.

Chris smiled at her teammates and shook her head. 

"Thank you guys for trying."

She got up to finish gathering her belongings to head home and figure out what to wear to this funeral of a wedding when everyone in the rooms' eyes landed right on Jim Street.

"Hey, Jim," Luca said louder than he had when speaking to Chris.

Jim pulled his earbuds out of his ears. "Hmm?" He asked.

"What are you doing this weekend?" Luca asked with a devious smile on his face.

After looking around the room to see his other teammates' expressions, Jim replied, "Uh- nothing that I know of. What kind of trouble are you getting me into, Luca?"

"No trouble. Ty and Kira are getting married this weekend, and Chris needs a plus-one. You're the only one who's single and doesn't have plans. You in?"

This went exactly where Chris thought it would once Luca got involved. He was forever trying to set his two roommates up.

"You don't have-" Chris started but was cut off.

"I'm in," Street replied simply. "It wouldn't let you go to your exes' wedding alone."

"Are you sure?" Chris asked as she gathered her last belongings and shut her locker.

"It's a wedding, Chris," Jim said as he brushed her across the back. "I've got your back."


"Jim?" Chris called into his room as she knocked. "Can you put my necklace on for me?"

Street opened his bedroom door to see Chris dressed only like he had a few times before. She looked stunning- to say the least- as she stood in front of him holding the gold locket he had given her after her breakup from Ty and Kira to 'remember the good in the world.' Chris couldn't deny that the locket was her most prized possession because Jim had given it to her, adorned with a photo of them inside on one of the worst days of her life.

"Wow, Chris. You look great," Jim said as he admired her.

She smiled back with a slight blush. 

"Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself," she teased.

"I can't believe you actually wear it," Jim said as he clasped the locket around Chris' neck.

She turned back around to face him and smiled.

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