[Stris] With Your Whole Heart

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"Love her with your whole heart, Street. She deserves that, and so do you."


Street had not been expecting company when the door knocked as he video-chatted with Chris. It was 1pm in LA and 10pm in Germany, and he and Chris were having their nightly debriefs with each other. Ever since he had woken up from surgery, Chris would call every night to check in on him and chat about her day. It was the one thing Street had to look forward to seeing as he mostly sat alone in his and Luca's empty house or rehabbed for hours.

"You expecting company, Street?" Chris asked through the computer screen.

"Not that I know of," Street replied as he set his laptop down on the coffee table and got up. "Hold on one minute. I'll be right back."

Street walked from the living room to his front door and looked outside through the window. Street rolled his eyes with a smile and opened the front door to reveal Victor Tan.

"Back from your honeymoon already?" Street asked as he quickly hugged his friend and invited him in.

"2 weeks wasn't nearly long enough, but I'm back. Glad to see you're recuperating well," Tan said as he followed Street into the living room.

Chris heard voices coming closer to the computer once again and decided Street was probably back in earshot of her.

"You good, Street?" She asked.

The sudden presence of Chris' voice startled Tan but also excited him.

"Is that Chris?" He asked as Street picked the laptop back up.

Street nodded his head at Tan and answered Chris.

"All good, Chris. It's just Tan stopping by to visit."

Chris smiled back at him.

"That's good. I don't need you kicking ass while trying to recover."

Chris paused for a moment and looked at her bedside clock. She really needed to get ready for bed. Her new day of training would come soon.

"I should go, Street," Chris started. "I have an early morning tomorrow. You have fun with Tan; just not too much fun. I miss you guys."

"I miss you, too," Jim said as he settled back on the couch. "Good night, Chris. I love you."

Chris sucked in a breath, and Street's eyes widened at realizing what he had just said in front of Tan.

Chris untensed after a moment and decided the damage had already been done.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow night. I love you, too," she said as she clicked the end call button.

Jim slowly closed his laptop and set it back on the coffee table before turning his attention to Tan.

"Well, that's a new development," Tan said with a chuckle. "I don't think Chris has ever told me she loves me."

Jim just smiled and rolled his eyes slightly.

Tan thought over what he wanted to say or if he wanted to say anything at all. He could leave the subject alone and ask Street about his recovery. Or Tan bite the bullet and give Street some brotherly advice. He decided on the latter.

"Here's some unsolicited Chris advice," Tan started. "I know you probably don't need me to tell you this, but I'm going to anyway. Chris can be the most open, loving, and caring person under the right circumstances with the right person. She's been through a lot in her life, and I've had the displeasure of seeing her through quite a few relationships. She has never been as open and vulnerable with anyone as she is with you. You two have something special that no one can deny, and I'm glad you've finally come to your senses. I say all that to say- when Chris loves, she loves with her whole heart. Love her with your whole heart, Street. She deserves that, and so do you. Everything else will work itself out. I truly believe you and Chris can have a love like Bonnie and me or Deacon and Annie."

Street didn't know how to respond. He knew Tan heard his slipup with Chris, but this sounded like something he had been thinking about for a while. And from the way he talked, so had everyone else in their lives.

Street decided to reply with a simple "thank you," which was enough to get Tan back to his usual self.

"But I'm still mad at you for stealing her from me. Chris was my best friend before you came around," Tan said jokingly.

"Hey!" Street exclaimed. "You have Bonnie. You can let me have Chris."

"I guess so," Tan said with a chuckle. "She'd pick you anyways."



[written 8.10.2021 - edited 9.15.2021 + 3.31.2022]

This was a random sleepy thought that made it to paper. I'm in a writing mood so y'all get to reap the benefits. Enjoy Tan being the best brother to Stris. I'm so ready for season 5. I need actual content on my screen again. <3 -Sharna

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