Stris Drabbles (part 4)

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Welcome to another edition of Stris drabbles! These 3 can be read together as 1 timeline or separately. It's up to you! This is my last spring break update, so soon, I will be back to my usual sparse updates. I hope you enjoy these anyway. <3 -Sharna


We Have a Dog Now

"Are you sure you didn't forget anything?" Chris asked Luca on the front porch.

"I'm sure," the older man assured her. "And if I did, it's not like we hate each other or something. I can always come by and get it, or you guys can bring it to me. Nora and I are only 15 minutes away, and we still work together!"

"Promise we'll still have roommate nights?" Street asked him half-seriously.

"Of course," Luca exclaimed. "This isn't a breakup, Street, no matter how much I feel replaced by Chris. We're just moving in with our partners."

"I could never replace you, Luca," Chris assured him.

"Oh, I know. He just likes you better," Luca laughed.

"You better go," Street told him. "Nora's waiting, and I'm sure Jackson wants to see his Lulu."

"You can make fun of that name all day, but that boy has my heart and can call me anything he wants," Luca answered him. 

The older man pulled them each in for a hug.

"Chris, keep him tolerable. And Street, don't drive her crazy; she's the best one you'll ever get."

All 3 of them laughed as Luca made his way down the driveway.

"Have fun, kids," he called out.

Chris and Street waved goodbye to Luca and Nora and entered now their home together.

"Charlie!" Chris exclaimed as the dog greeted them with a tail wag.

She quickly put his leash on and ran out the front door to catch Luca, Street tailing behind to watch from the porch.

"Luca!" Chris yelled as she made her way down the steps.

Luca turned around from placing his final things in the back seat and looked at her.

"You forgot your dog," she said while standing in front of him.

Luca smiled and teared up a little as he bent down to pet Charlie.

"I didn't forget Charlie," he told her. "Nora has this yappy Yorkie and a toddler I know would drive him crazy. Plus, I think we all know who Charlie's real owner is. You're his favorite person in the whole world, Chris, and the best dog mom there is. Charlie needs to stay with you and Street. This is his home."

Chris was stunned as she heard what Luca was telling her and saw his interaction with Charlie.

"Are you sure, Luca?" She asked him. "I love Charlie, but I found him for you. He's your dog."

Luca kissed his boy on the head and stood up to hold one of Chris' hands.

"I'm sure," Luca said confidently. "I know you'll be the best dog mom. Just promise me you'll let me watch him when you and Street go out of town? And you'll give him lots of scraps?"

Chris laughed at his requests and replied with an "of course" as Luca pulled her in for a hug.

"Go be with your family," Luca whispered to her just as he let go.

Chris smiled as Luca climbed into the passenger seat of Nora's SUV.

"Be good for mom, Charlie," he called out as they pulled away.

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